Monday 31 January 2011

Shock! Horror! Filth!

A mum was horrified after finding two obscene video messages on a new mobile phone she bought for her 12-year-old son.
She said: “I turned on the phone, and started to play around with it, when suddenly I saw two pornographic video clips.”
Oh noes!

Dare she even try to describe the filthy stuff in a family newspaper?
“One had a woman running around with no top on, and the other was of a cuddly children’s toy hamster, swearing and using profane language.”


Well, that’s probably disappointed more than a few readers…
“I’m worried someone else will buy the same make and model and they will find the disgusting content.

“They need to sort this out and carry out better checks before selling equipment like this. Customers shouldn’t have to find this sort of thing on their phones.”
Quite right, love, it’s appalling, innit? You need to go somewhere where you are guaranteed you won’t get mildly saucy clips pre-installed on your…

Mrs Greenwood has since visited the store to get a replacement phone.


  1. Christ on a bike ..

    Having just clicked on the link, I'd have been a lot more than "horrified" if I'd seen that leering back at me from the screen of a mobile ..

  2. Cuddly children’s toy hamster porn.

    God, it's everywhere. I am outraged, etc.

  3. Yeah, we are all thinking that a semi naked woman and a hamster could have resulted in something far more 'X' certificate

  4. "...if I'd seen that leering back at me from the screen of a mobile "

    Heh! Indeed :)

    "Yeah, we are all thinking that a semi naked woman and a hamster..."

    TMI! :)
