Thursday, 3 February 2011

Good Name!

A blind and deaf woman caused mayhem for West Yorkshire emergency services after making more than 200 hoax phone calls including one falsely claiming there was a bomb which led to Dewsbury and District Hospital being evacuated, a court heard.
Anna Raccoon pointed this out to me via email because it's also one of my bugbears:
Prosecutor Paul Ramsey said that as well as hoax emergency calls the defendant had falsely reported that she had been raped and assaulted.
The name should have clued them in, mind you:
Jacqueline Hustler, 43...
She pleaded guilty, and is due for sentencing on Feb 24. I wonder if her disabilities will ensure a non-custodial sentence?

Update: From frequent commenter Roue le Jour in the comments, this magnificent effort:

She phones by intuition,
I've never seen her fail,
Always gets a redial
Never leaves voice mail
She ain't got no distractions
Can't hear those sirens and bells
Don't see the blues a flashin'
or the coppers running scared
that deaf dumb and blind chick,
sure makes a mean hoax call.


  1. What puzzles me is how a blind and deaf woman can make a phone call...

  2. I'm tempted to ask, is she any good at pinball?

  3. Oh sod it, I can't resist it.

    She phones by intuition,
    I've never seen her fail,
    Always gets a redial
    Never leaves voice mail
    She ain't got no distractions
    Can't hear those sirens and bells
    Don't see the blues a flashin'
    or the coppers running scared
    that deaf dumb and blind chick,
    sure makes a mean hoax call.

    I'll get me coat.

  4. I'm disabled. I have MS. If I fall over, I'd like understanding and perhaps help getting up. Same as anyone else. If I stab someone or commit a crime, I'd like to be treated exactly the same as everyone else.

    That's called equality and is the goal of most disabled people.

  5. Roue,

    Exactly. My mate with cerebral palsy would agree 100%.

  6. Roue, that made my morning.

  7. She certainly compensated for her deficiencies with mental deficiencies.

  8. "Oh sod it, I can't resist it."


    " If I stab someone or commit a crime, I'd like to be treated exactly the same as everyone else.

    That's called equality and is the goal of most disabled people."

    But not, it seems, most of the vociferous disability campaigners...
