Wednesday 9 February 2011

He Has A Point…

…just not the one he thinks he has:
In a bizarre jailhouse rant, a convicted killer has launched a tirade against an “unfair” prison sentence for assault and insisted he was “a nice person”.
Sounds like another 'John Hirst (Jailhouse Lawyer)' in the making. I wonder if this one is already on Twitter…
Graham Langley, 38, said a jail sentence he received last month of up to 99 years was unfair since he only got five years in prison for killing a man 17 years ago.
Yup, quite right.

It should have been the other way around – then he wouldn’t have been able to harm anyone.
Langley, of Cressingham Grove, Sutton, was jailed in 1994 for just five years after killing brilliant student Alex Vaill in an attack in Sutton High Street the year before.

In December last year, Langley was handed an indeterminate jail sentence, with a minimum of 30 months, after being found guilty of grievous bodily harm at Croydon Crown Court.
And that’s not the only thing this walking personality defect objects to:
Langley also objected to being described as a “thug”.
OK, scumbag. Done.
He wrote: “As far as being violent and aggressive is concerned, as a person and being myself I am neither.

“I will admit though that some times in the past, when I was under the influence of alcohol, I was prone to a bit of a brawl if I was backed up against a wall and also if I felt offended.

“But when sober, a very nice person who would do anything for anyone if I can.”
Awww, it was all the fault of the demon drink!

No doubt a couple of hundred years earlier, he’d be blaming demonic possession…
… Langley, in a letter sent to the Sutton Guardian this week, also boasted that the family of the man he killed would agree.

And will they agree?
I hope this moronic waste of space spends the rest of his miserable existence in prison and I intend to do anything I can to make sure he is unable to inflict any further outrages on society.”
That’ll be a ‘no’, then…

As NorthNorthwester points out, the sense of unearned entitlement is the key to so many of the people behind bars who avail themselves of the media lately.


  1. I would love to ask the original judge,
    "how do you sleep at night?".

  2. The sooner we restore Capital Punishment (if only as a means of giving the gene pool a bloody good clean) the better ..

    We can't re-introduce Transportation .. because no other bugger would be daft enough to accept our failed "social engineering" misfits ..

    But we could re-introduce sentencing which means what it says .. so Five years = Five years to the day ..

    "Good behaviour" whilst inside would be taken as a given .. any misbehaviour would result in that Five years (or however long) being served under a "Hard labour" routine ..

    If you can't do the time .. don't do the crime .. and whether you serve "easy" or "hard" time is your choice ..

  3. A very good advert for hanging. My guess is he punched his victim and the victim struck his head when he fell and that killed him. And this oxygen thief got jail for GBH or some other nonsense because he didn't intend to kill his victim. I think he should still pay for unintended consequences of his action. the victim would not have died if this piece of scum hadn't assaulted him.

  4. “I will admit though that some times in the past, when I was under the influence of alcohol, I was prone to a bit of a brawl if I was backed up against a wall and also if I felt offended.

    “But when sober, a very nice person who would do anything for anyone if I can.”

    If you know that drink has that effect on you yet you still choose to drink then the ultimate influence is not alcohol but your own decision to drink it. No sympathy here. Fuck off and rot.

    Can we take my anti-hanging sentiments as read, even for creatures like this? Not for his benefit - give him a load of free Stella and lock him in so with luck he'll beat himself to death. But the thought of Cameramong and that pretence of a spine being held up by his jacket rather than the other way round... what if he had to stand up to van Rumpo over it one day? I've said it before, though not with this name: Transportation-Lite. The UK has some real shitholes among the small islands offshore. Bound to be a few that you could dump the real bastards on with some stock and a sack of seed each and just leave them to it. Ever see Escape From New York? Like that, only somewhere that you're not coming back from without outside help. Hirta in the St Kilda group looks good. Doesn't look like enough trees to make a boat, and even if there is it's 40 miles back to the Hebrides, never mind the mainland. The only problem with that is it's NT and they'll want it for the puffins, but you get the idea.

  5. "I would love to ask the original judge,
    "how do you sleep at night?"."

    He almost certainly sleeps the sleep of the just.

    After all, he can afford to...

    ""Good behaviour" whilst inside would be taken as a given .. any misbehaviour would result in that Five years (or however long) being served under a "Hard labour" routine .."

    Spot on! Too often, good behaviour is rewarded. It shouldn't be.

    "And this oxygen thief got jail for GBH or some other nonsense because he didn't intend to kill his victim."

    Yup. I can understand that reasoning, to a point.

    But in the case of the original monster, how can you hit your elderly landlady with an axe and not mean to kill her?

    "Hirta in the St Kilda group looks good."

    If we could somehow replace the puffins with an outer perimeter of these, I'd go for that. But I think it's a bit too cold for them.
