Monday 7 February 2011

Ignoring The Elephant In The Room….

Sexual harassment is turning into a growing problem in the borough’s streets, according to a senior councillor.

Cllr Jeannette Alexander (Ed: Unlikely to have experienced this problem herself, unless there’s a lot of blind perverts in B&D…), cabinet member for justice and communities, said more women were going to councillors’ surgeries to complain about the problem.
Why? Surely it’s a matter for the police? Just what are councillors supposed to do about it?
Cllr Alexander said: “This is an issue that is increasingly coming up and is worrying. No-one deserves to be sexually harassed.

“The harassment ranges from vulgar comments and gestures to physical intimidation.

It is happening far too frequently in our borough and it has to stop.”
And just why is it happening in your borough, Jeannette?
She believes the behaviour is linked to drinking and demanded the problem be “rooted out”.
I think the inhabitants of B&D have not just suddenly discovered the delights of alcohol.

Something else must be behind this surge in cases, if indeed it exists at all.

Not that the obvious culprits are ever mentioned.
Borough Commander Ch Supt Matt Bell said: “We expect everyone in our community to treat others with respect. I would urge residents to report this kind of behaviour and, where it is safe to do so, challenge it.”
And how are they supposed to judge when it is safe to do so? Because getting it wrong can have serious consequences:
A man is waiting to see if his eyesight will return to normal after bravely helping a woman who was being attacked.

Josh Butnall, 21, of King’s Road, Westcliff, was brutally beaten when he stepped in to break up an argument between a man and a woman in the early hours of the morning.
I wonder how often Borough Commander Ch Supt Matt Bell ever walks the mean streets of B&D after dark?

Or, for that matter, his female friends or relatives?


  1. As it happens there are a lot of blind perverts in B&D as can be established in the supermarket down by the Fiddlers any day of the week. (I'd better not name the supermarket as I've no reason to believe that any of the others are any better).

    More proof: the MP is STILL Margaret Hodge, with over half the vote and three times what the nearest competitors, the Conservatives, can pull, so that means they are learning disability blind perverts who think she did a smashing job in Islington.

    Barking and Dagenham is twinned with Sodom and Gomorrah.


    There must be something wrong with B&D's population if they voted for Margaret Hodge AGAIN!

    As for Matt Bell - well he's just spouting the corporate shit he has to to keep his job, although I don't know why he hasn't moved to something nicer and much nearer home (which is nowhere near B&D)

    I've always thought that most of the resident of B&D were a bunch of lowlife inbred ming mongs anyway so no real surprises there then!

  3. You may be interested in this one via Angry People, JuliaM

    Unfortunately the picture rather undermines the seriousness of the story.

  4. " can be established in the supermarket down by the Fiddlers any day of the week."

    Don't knock that supermarket! It tends to have the cheapest diesel in the area. :)

    But otherwise, yes. Sodom and Gomorrah...

    "I've always thought that most of the resident of B&D were a bunch of lowlife inbred ming mongs anyway..."

    You're not totally wrong. Though the original habitants are steadily moving out.

    "You may be interested in this one via Angry People..."

    Good grief! Why do they bother releasing such photofits?
