Saturday 26 February 2011

I’m Not Saying All ‘Green Energy Project’ Consultants…

…are dim, incompetent and deranged w*****s with poor judgement, but…
A man who exposed himself to an off-duty policewoman blamed his actions on being bored with retirement, York magistrates heard.

The combination of health and mental problems had created great pressures upon Abel. “This has caused him to behave in the way he has,” said Mr Tanikal.

However, he was likely to have a more mentally stimulating time in future, as he had taken on a part-time consultancy work with a green energy project.


  1. He was doing it for two years and nobody noticed.

    It's either a sales opportunity for Specsavers or ahem, one of those enhancement devices.

  2. Abel exposes cane.

    (Works better spoken that.)

  3. "Exposed himself"
    "A green energy project"

    I guess that will be another FLASH in the pan!

    I'll get me coat...

  4. I worry about his carbon emissions

  5. "an MRI scan that had revealed possible problems with his brain"

    "he had taken on a part-time consultancy work with a green energy project"

    Did they really need the MRI scan for that diagnosis?

  6. "He was doing it for two years and nobody noticed."

    Poor chap... ;)

    "Abel exposes cane."

    Bravo! :D

  7. This green energy consultation thing, this was offered in mitigation? Or evidence that he can't help it?

    How do you find em, Julia? :-)
