Saturday 26 February 2011

Perhaps 'A Vast Deployment Of Brainpower' Would Have Been More Useful?

From The Quiet Man, via email:
Nicola Osborne said she had been put into a car and raped in a public toilet in July, which led to the arrest of the man she had consensual sex with.

Portsmouth Crown Court heard police used a "vast deployment" of manpower.
It seems 2011 is starting off to be a good year for these 'rare cases', eh?
Osborne, 32, of Portsmouth, was jailed for 18 months after earlier admitting perverting the course of justice.
At least she got a spell inside, unlike others.
Martin Booth, prosecuting, told the court a total 548 hours of police man hours had been used in the inquiry.

"Other investigations had to be put on the back-burner as police resources had to be diverted to this case," he said.

He explained that a 26-year-old man was arrested after DNA samples taken from Osborne matched those taken from him for a previous minor criminal offence.
Hurrah for that DNA database, eh? Keeping us safe from, errr, hang on, I'll get back to you on that...
His victim impact statement, which was read to the court, said he had found the arrest "very humiliating'.

"People like her make a mockery of women who have really been raped," he said.
Yes. Yes, they do...
Sentencing, Judge Roger Hetherington said Osborne had become "entangled" in her lie...
No. He had.


  1. "Portsmouth Crown Court heard police used a "vast deployment" of manpower."

    A vast deployment of brainpower would have been more useful but you overlook the perjurious risk attaching itself to a claim that police possess any more than the most modest allocation of that faculty.

  2. How do you know when a Portsmouth slapper has had an orgasm? She drops her fish and chips.

  3. Sadly, I suspect a large proportion of the `vast amount of manpower` was used to go about confirming what they knew all along, but of course, `assumption is the mother of cock-up`.

  4. a good point came out in the indy comments: no man or woman in thier right mind ever considers excuses, mitigation etc for a rapist. No ifs or buts just lock the bastards up for good. When some twisted fuck up is caught bang to rights for making a false allegation there is more often than not just a list of ifs, buts and maybes, excuses and mitigation. WTF?
    Then there is the blatent ignorance of the victim, its always how this affects real rape victims, how much time the police spent on it, blah, blah, blah, meawhile some poor bloke has probably lost his job, home, family, anonymity..........

    The system is simply FUBAR'd in this. The public in general are hoplessly lost in some witch hunt. Should we realy treat usless fuck ups who wake up in the morning with little or no idea what went on the night before or drunk youths making pricks and cunts out of themselves the same as vicious sexual predators?

    Most people rightly wouldn't have the stomach to stamp on a puppy's head for fun what on earth makes people believe that hoards of rapists are wandering around instead of usless irresponsible females unwilling and incapable of telling the truth when it comes to thier wieght or age never mind what goes on in bed.

  5. What is this bull shite about not bieng able to give consent when your drunk? So some bloke, probably equally pissed spends the night trying to dance with a woman, they slober over each other, take thier own clothes of and end up in bed. Sounds to me like a good percentage of first dates or chance encounters.

    Is anyone less guilty of crime because they were drunk? No, so buy your own fucking drinks if you want to dance with me.

  6. its hardly a driver's fault when some pissed twat throws themselves in front of a car or a train is it?

    No one deserves to be raped, some in fact do ask for it and fantasise about it but I imagine the reality is quite horrificaly different.

    Rape has turned into one of those words so easily banded about like paranoia or allergy. Everyones a fucking victim, FFS.

  7. "How do you know when a Portsmouth slapper has had an orgasm? She drops her fish and chips."


    "a good point came out in the indy comments: no man or woman in thier right mind ever considers excuses, mitigation etc for a rapist."

    The defence often offers the 'mentally ill/stupid/drunk/family issues' excuses.

    But yes, it isn't taken as seriously.

    "What is this bull shite about not bieng able to give consent when your drunk? So some bloke, probably equally pissed.."

    It's another example of the double-standard. How come the man is always presumed to consent to sex, even though HE probably has a skinful too?

  8. Julia M, you have your opinion and you trot it out with boring regularity. I am a woman who was raped. I was not drunk, I was over-powered. It has destroyed my life. I am frightened to go out on my own, l have lost my job because I'm so traumatised.

    I'm sure some women make things up. Some don't. Please bear us in mind.

  9. @ Anon 06:29

    "Julia M, you have your opinion and you trot it out with boring regularity....Please bear us in mind."

    The sense of their own view riding over any other, is the blogger's sustaining motive. You would think they would have formed an Association of Bigots for mutual support....oh, wait...

  10. Anon @ 06:29 and what is your opinion of those who cry "rape" when it isn't and ruin some poor guys life including keeping his DNA in the public records for the rest of his life?
    Rape is a terrible crime, those that cry wolf cheapen the effect for the true victims as well as creating a whole new class of victims which is the point Julia makes.
    Do you really want to live in a world where people wonder if you're lying about being raped? because that's exactly where this womans (and others) claims are leading us.

  11. My opinion 'Quiet Man' is that the vast majority of women do not make up stupid stories. I do feel that this blogger actively seeks out stuff to support her view.

    I absolutely do not want to live in a world where people think I am lying about being raped. I do not know what can be done about insane liars. But I know what happened to me, and I dislike the insinuation that there are a lot of false accusations.

    Rape destroys lives. That I know.

  12. "I am a woman who was raped. I was not drunk, I was over-powered...I'm sure some women make things up. Some don't. Please bear us in mind."

    Why do you assume that I don't bear the true victims of rape in mind?

    Pointing out that rape has become a hot potato to police forces, helped by the feminist agenda and 'women never lie about rape' myth, isn't doing real victims a disservice.

    Unless you are of the opinion that it's better that a hundred innocent men are banged up, rather than one guilty rapist go free?

    If that's the case, you're at the wrong blog!

    " I do feel that this blogger actively seeks out stuff to support her view."

    If it was, as a lot of people posit, a 'rare event', then I'd have to seek them out.

    Depressingly, I don't. Because it's not rare.

    And it's every bit as much an injustice when it's done to innocent men as real rape is when done to women.

    "...I dislike the insinuation that there are a lot of false accusations."

    Thee are. That's a fact, which I'm sorry you find inconvenient or hurtful, but the world doesn't conform to anyone's heartfelt wishes, does it?

  13. yeah, fuck off, we were discussing false accusers of rape and thier victims, ie the men they accuse. get it?! did you ever stop to think that its difficult to prove rape precisely because some women do little or nothing to express non consent, you know like screaming and shouting or bitting and kicking, ergo its not rape. and yes, simply saying no then bieng persuaded otherwise is not rape

  14. How about a simple change in the sentencing guidance?

    Make the penalty for a 'malicious accusation' (or whatever the right wording is) the same as the crime that they are making the accusation about.

  15. 'the vast majority of women do not make up stupid stories' WTF, ever heard of an old wives tale? a vast industry of deciet surrounds women and thier 'look', 'fashon'. Most women are all about fraud in one way or another. It is in fact rare you get a woman like Julia who says it as she sees it, so, get over yourself and stop bieng a victim, its over, thats what they keep telling me anywho.

  16. Anonymous 13.07. It's semi-literate, women-hating trash like you who lap this stuff up.

    Julia, I do hope you're proud of your supporters. They reflect on you and you should be worried. This bile that you churn out appeals to the lowest in our society. Shame on you.

  17. A rape allegation that came in on my watch involved a woman who said she had been raped by 3 men in an army camp. As the investigation progressed and all the support services swung into operation,she eventually modified her allegation and it transpired that she actually had sex with 12 men but only objected to numbers 5, 8 and 11. That cost a lot of hours but it didn't make the court. I can't remember what her objections were to the `Barsetshire 3`. The next rape allegation that came in was treated no less seriously. No wonder the vagaries of the senses of humour from people who deal with this is a rather dark place to venture.

  18. i don't hate women but i'm not a big fan of liars. most lies are inconcequential, told by both men and women but some are not. to be honest i coundn't give a fuck how old or young you are, how much make it take to make you feel you look attractive or not, how little or how much money you have or haven't got because in my experience it could be anyone male, female, rich, poor, attractive or ugly that spreads a lie that changes your life. trust me i know.
    as for you, we were discussing rape accusation liars, so WTF has your experience got to do with that? you may well have had it tough, so have many others, get overyourself and stop bieng a victim, it is the only way forward, again something i am trying to do as well as i can say.

  19. what would you preffer me say, oh there there you poor thing? i know exactly how it feel to have no control over your life and see it bieng torn apart in front of your face, feel realy alone and afraid of everyone.

    Nothing and No one is going to fix this for you except you.

  20. Anonymous 8.24 &8.27, I'm assuming that you are the same half-wit. I would prefer that you said nothing at all you brainless berk.

    Have you considered literacy classes? You make no sense at all and you have no humanity. Go away.

  21. i realy don't care what you call me, one day you will wake up a tell us all to get bent. you know when you were happy, felt worth something.....go figure

  22. or dwell on this:

    Gillian Mezeys' 1997 paper:

    "Although most rape victims do not develop
    chronic psychiatric disorder, the experience of rape
    and serious sexual assault is associated with
    mental health disturbance in a significant prop
    ortion of victims (Kilpatrick et al, 1985;Mezey &
    Taylor, 1988).The psychological sequelae of rape
    include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
    depression, generalised and phobic anxiety and
    substance misuse. The profound and long-term
    consequences reflect the violent, terrifying and
    traumatic nature of rape and parallel the responses
    to other life-threatening traumas. There is some
    evidence that rape is more pathogenic than any
    other form of violent crime (Kilpatrick et al, 1987).

    The development of persistent PTSD is predicted by
    three offence-related lements: a completed rape,
    physical injury and the perception of life threat
    (Kilpatrick et al, 1989), as well as by the failure to
    show an initial rapid resolution of symptoms
    within the first two weeks following the assault
    (Rothbaum et ai, 1992).

    Apart from PTSD, the most persistent reactions
    following rape appear to be intense fears of rape-related
    situations and general diffuse anxiety (Ellis
    et al, 1981; Kilpatrick étal1,981;Calhounef al, 1982;
    Rothbaum et al, 1992). Depression is a common
    response in the immediate to short term, but
    appears to be less persistent (Frank & Stewart,
    1984). Many victims of rape experience temporary
    impairment of social functioning, in particular
    social withdrawal and avoidance, and restriction
    of former interests and activities (Kilpatrick et al,
    1979; Nadelson et al, 1982).

    Sexual dysfunction is fairly common after rape,
    usually reported as decreased enjoyment, due to
    re-experiencing symptoms and flashbacks, rather
    than decreased frequency of the sexual act
    (Nadelson et al, 1982).

    Sexual problems appear to
    be more of a problem for victims of acquaintance
    rape, because of the implicit betrayal of trust which
    is then assumed to be manifest in all subsequent
    intimate relationships. Particular acts which the
    woman is made to perform during the assault may
    in themselves become intensely aversive.

    Around 20-25% of women develop long-term
    psychological and social problems, including
    problems in intimacy and trust, persisting anger
    and irritability, helplessness and excessive
    dependence, loss of confidence and self-esteem.
    For most women, the rape and its aftermath
    shatters previously held assumptions about safety,
    trust, sexuality, intimacy and the predictability of
    the future (McCann et ai, 1988).

    Sexual violation is
    often associated with a sense of loss, as if a part of
    oneself, real or symbolic, has been destroyed.
    Long-term disorder may be predicted by certain
    characteristics of the rape situation or of the
    individual victim The identification of
    prognostic variables may be helpful in allowing
    resources to be differentially targeted to the more
    vulnerable groups."

  23. and another:

    they don't see any point in prosecuting this one!

  24. "Julia, I do hope you're proud of your supporters. They reflect on you and you should be worried."

    I'm proud that there are people who read this blog who don't feel that they must bow to the whims of the politically correct and deny what is staring them in the face.

    If those who see the travesty of our justice system and fail to keep quiet about it reflect on me, then I've no reason to be worried, have I?

    " transpired that she actually had sex with 12 men but only objected to numbers 5, 8 and 11."

    It's not as if she just objected to uneven numbers, then? ;)

    "No wonder the vagaries of the senses of humour from people who deal with this is a rather dark place to venture."

    I marvel that they can keep a sense of humour at all!

  25. "Anonymous 8.24 &8.27, I'm assuming that you are the same half-wit."

    Says anonymous 09:00. Oh, the irony...

    "The identification of
    prognostic variables may be helpful in allowing
    resources to be differentially targeted to the more
    vulnerable groups."

    Or perhaps we could stop looking on it as 'a fate worse than death'? We aren't in the Victorian age, after all...

    "they don't see any point in prosecuting this one!"

    Link appears to be broken, sadly, but I think you mean this one?

    ""While we have decided not to prosecute this woman..."

    Fail to prosecute, and you'll just get more people doing it.

  26. Okay Julia, so you say we should stop regarding rape as a fate worse than death because we do not live in Victorian times. For someone who shouts so loudly over the laxity of the law and the leniency of sentencing this is an extraordinary statement. Irony indeed.

    I'm pleased that you are proud of those decidedly thuggish supporters who grace your blog with their presence. You deserve them. Political correctness is not the issue here. It is really a question of how much lower this blog can sink.

    You are down there in the gutter. I really do think that you have lost it. You do not accept criticism and try to insult those who take you on. Believe me, you're not half so clever as you think you are and your blog has given up any last shred of integrity that it ever had.

    "Really?" I hear her say. Yes, really.

  27. Anon, you really are going to have to learn to separate issues if you are to have any chance of getting past some or all of them. Julia is not your enemy or to blame. She has her views and is entitled to post them on HER blog. She has never to my knowledge used completely outrageous language or unnecessarily attacked someone personally, even when they have alluded to personal detail. She is not responsible for the things people write in reply to her points of interest, and that generally don't use profanities although this blog is perhaps not for the consumption of the very young.
    I'm quite sure none of us or probably anyone can completely understand the experiences you describe especially considering how they have affected you individually but my advice is a broad brush approach to how all of us have the best chance of dealing with any significantly damaging episode.
    This is the last time, we were discussing FALSE ALLEGATIONS OF RAPE.
