Monday 21 February 2011

Unhelpful Juxtaposition...

Hard to avoid an inescapable conclusion, isn't it?


  1. Juxtaposition, now that's a word you don't often read these days.

    Dunno whether to think Dorset obviously does not need so many officers or 'you've never had it so good but now the evil cuts will bring back the bad old days'.

  2. These two Echo articles were published days apart, J.

    The first article deals with the cessation of crime reporting to an irrelevant police service and the second is confirmation of an irrelevant public service undergoing a 'service'.

  3. Look out, Look out ..

    There'll suddenly be a very nasty outbreak of Carrot rustling or Broccolli strangling down there ..

    Remember, you heard it here first ..

  4. Thousands less cases of crime being reported to the police does not equal a reduction in crime.

  5. "Dunno whether to think Dorset obviously does not need so many officers or 'you've never had it so good but now the evil cuts will bring back the bad old days'."

    I suspect it'll mean different things to different people... ;)
