Sunday 27 March 2011

Daffodil Danger Again

Young vandals have been putting lives at risk by ripping up daffodils planted on Colchester’s Avenue of Remembrance and hurling them at cars.
Blimey, who knew they were so damned controversial?
The town’s mayor, Sonia Lewis, said she was horrified to be told about the incident by residents and motorists.

She said: “One gentleman told me he had to pull to the side of the road because there were so many flowers thrown at his windscreen.”
I’m a little puzzled by this, because how the hell do you fling a daffodil hard enough to hit a car? Even if you keep the bulb on?
“It is such a dangerous practice, although I’m sure these youngsters saw it as a bit of fun.”
Don’t make excuses for them, love, that’s what their court-appointed youth worker is for…


  1. They do it because they're bored..apparently.

    Officer I punched the feral kid who destroyed my property cos I was bored with it happenin every day.

  2. "Obviously" - the Elfin-safe-tea will have the flowers dug up to prevent this happening again.

  3. Does it not amuse you Julia, how all our public servants become horrified or shocked at other people's behaviour?

  4. Captain Haddock27 March 2011 at 11:47

    Poor little mites ... I'm sure they were only getting into practice for the forthcoming Royal Wedding ..

    Or maybe they're just apprentice Anarchists .. and next weeks "work-shop" will include lessons on the use of smoke bombs, paint & light bulbs filled with Ammonia ?

  5. A rose by any other name27 March 2011 at 12:22

    This is self-limiting vandalism. Eventually the daffys will cease to sprout and the yobs will have to move on to other flowers.

    But I'd love to see them trying to rip pyracantha out of the ground with their bare hands!

  6. @ A rose - re planting Pyracantha.

    Never be allowed - far too much 'risk' of vandals hurting themselves when puling it up.

  7. Bloody subversive Welsh Nationalist kids I'll bet!

    And talking of Royal Weddings, remember Diana's Funeral? The Hurse had so many flowers chuckedat it, it looked like a mobile garden centre.

  8. ""Obviously" - the Elfin-safe-tea will have the flowers dug up to prevent this happening again."

    I wouldn't be surprised if this was suggested.

    My solution? Snipers.

    "But I'd love to see them trying to rip pyracantha out of the ground with their bare hands!"


    "And talking of Royal Weddings, remember Diana's Funeral? The Hurse had so many flowers chuckedat it, it looked like a mobile garden centre."

    True, but that was moving very slowly. And I remember people getting very close.
