Friday 25 March 2011

Hair Of The Dog - Yr Doin' It Wrong!

As well as kicking Roxy the black and tan rottweiler, Vincent McCormick was seen by horrified onlookers trying to pour a can of lager down her throat.
The court heard McCormick had been given an exemplary discharge from the army but was suffering from mental health problems.

McCormick has also had another rottweiler and a Staffordshire bull terrier. He told the court: “I have always been a pet person.”
Yeah, sure you have...
McCormick had originally denied the three offences.

He had claimed he had only been playing roughly with Roxy and the witnesses had exaggerated the incident.
'Some bitches like it rough' clearly isn't a very good defence strategy, unless you're into rap music.


  1. "He had claimed he had only been playing roughly with Roxy"

    Then he deserved to get his face ripped off.

    We have two boxers and my children have been told under no circumstances are they even attempt to "play rough" with them. You cannot explain to a dog that "you were only playing".

    If I and they an ordinairy dog-owning family... know that then a trained dog handler bloody well should. He knew exactly what he was doing and justice should have been served by the dog.

    Poor girl, hope she finds a decent home.

  2. Some people should never, ever be allowed to have a pet. Such mindless cruelty is awful.

  3. I once witnessed a cat receiving a cannabis 'shotgun'.

    He appeared to like it, although I was in a drug-addled condition at the time, so I couldn't really say for sure.

  4. "You cannot explain to a dog that "you were only playing"."

    Quite. Hopefully the RSPCA has at least done some good for once in removing the dogs.

    "Some people should never, ever be allowed to have a pet."

    And I'd keep a close eye on such people. What they do to animals, they'll do to people soon enough...

    "I once witnessed a cat receiving a cannabis 'shotgun'."

    I've never yet had a cat that cared one whit for catnip. I am beginning to think it's some sort of urban myth!
