Tuesday 22 March 2011

I'm Sure This'll Make Everyone Feel Better About Your Presence...

Aylin Selçuk (founder of DeuKische Generation, a group representing the interests of Turkish-born young Germans) in CiF on her harassment via email:
'If you don't like it here, why don't you go back to your own country? We Germans would love it, because we like you as much as a terminal illness." I get emails like this nearly every day. The reason why is that I recently decided to take legal action against Thilo Sarrazin.
He’s the guy sending the emails? Well, go ahead, then, and good luc…

Oh. Wait.
Sarrazin is a former head of the Bundesbank, a Social Democrat, and the author of a bestselling book, Deutschland Schafft Sich Ab ("Germany is digging its own grave"), in which he claims that the poor intelligence of young German Muslims is dragging down the education system.
Ah. Right. He’s not, then? He’s just the person who has advanced a concept and views that you blame for the actions of random (and probably untraceable or penniless) crazies?

I think I can safely dismiss everything else you might have to say.


  1. He also has deeper pockets than your average anonymous e-mailer.

  2. filter, off switch, don't read them. Is this woman serious, sounds like she is looking to be harrased, try going to a death metal concert wearing a pink t shirt shouting I love boy bands they make me feel sexy and see how far you get love!

  3. We have a professionally aggrieved ethnicity advocate bleating loudly. Is DKG the equivalent of a fake charity? Sure sounds like one.

  4. what happens when one gets harrased? if your christian and someone says god suck frogs do you get the plague? how can we make laws about offending people and uphold free speach?

    I hate my ex. She is, or certainly was a mean selfish usless fuckwit that has never provided for herself or her child and expects the world to give her a living. I would tell her repeatedly but I've got better things to do.

  5. in fact the only good thing about my ex was the sex and that was because i made all the effort she just lay there screaming more, more!

  6. Not Nonny Mouse22 March 2011 at 17:56

    And I, dear anonymous @15.34, sit here reading your words and think: "less, less!"

  7. Julia,
    It may interest you to know that I suspect you blog is blocked in Turkey. I was in Istanbul and checked in and big red letters in Turkish came up on the screen. it wasn't the hotel machine firewall either - I'd seen that before - it blocked Cats for "inappropriate language".

  8. Based on the concept advaced by that Dees chap of the 'Southern Poverty Law Centre', 'Sleazy Dees' I believe he is known as, that advocates civil actions to bankrupt his political opponent. The plaintiffs have lots of taxpayers money and the defendants are evil racists who must be bankrupted to stop them doing bad things like speaking freely or contesting elections.

  9. i wouldn't fuck a mouse anywho, probably messy and no fun ;)

  10. dear noncey moose, are you my ex in diguise? if so, FUCK YOU BIATCH. Hope you've found someone who realises more quickly than I did what a mother fucking gold digga you is, lol

  11. brt yo son grows up thinkin you've had more men in your bed than he's had hot dinners, woo hoo, LMFAO!

  12. how's you bessie mate's husband btw? still fucking you cus he don't get any at home?

  13. btw you still owe me 20% rent on the property I was an agent for you for, if fact fuck it, keep it, I know what you'll spend it on and that is my last laugh.

  14. I get hate mails everyday insisting that I have a small penis, erectile dysfunction and need help finding a woman.

    As a middle adged woman I find this very distressing - how do I take legal action too?

  15. @ anon 19.52, speak with any solicitor they will laugh and take your money. or get a new Email addy and only give it to people you want Emails from

  16. my ex's Email addy is on the toilet wall in our local nightclub along with her phone number

  17. "Is DKG the equivalent of a fake charity? Sure sounds like one."

    I'd hope the Germans are smarter than us, and have resisted setting up such..

    "It may interest you to know that I suspect you blog is blocked in Turkey. I was in Istanbul and checked in and big red letters in Turkish came up on the screen."


    "Based on the concept advaced by that Dees chap of the 'Southern Poverty Law Centre', 'Sleazy Dees' I believe he is known as, that advocates civil actions to bankrupt his political opponent. "

    It's a winning tactic. And one that's driven the 'settle quickly' mentality.

  18. Also see:http://www.pi-news.org/2011/03/thank-you-thilo-sarrazin/#more-4221

    BTW, 'Deukish' translated means: 'Paklish' or 'Engistani'.

    Regards the people sending 'hatemail' being poor, well, yeah, that's because they have the pay the taxes for the upkeep of the New Germans(tm). Also, unlike Pakistani-British youth, young Turks can be far more unrestrained in cultural traditions such as impromptu street robbery and almost every indigenous German child by now knows someone who has 'donated' by now. So, it's fair to say that community relations are not what Mutti had ordered.

    Sarrazin hasn't said that Muslims are more 'stupid', in fact, very little in his book is opinion, but it's a litany of facts. You'll hear lots of 'Sarrazin the evil man!' but very little argumentation that disproves the dry facts he cites, although some of the usual suspects have tried to forge a rebuttal (and promptly were found out).

    Remember, Sarrazin ran Berlin's finances for quite a while before working in the Bundesbank, and he is quite the geek as well. His strange mannerism/speech is due to paralysed face muscles, and his wife recently got mobbed out of her job as a primary school teacher, a Turkish father complained about her requiring 'homework' (and other ghastly things, long story, you know the rest...).

  19. What has also become very apparant is, that all those complaining about Sarrzin have never actualy READ the book.

    FACTS speak for themselves. When only 30% or less of the Turkish/Arab population achieve Abitur (A-level), when ALL other groups (Including Russian, Poles,Africans, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc) are averaging 70% how ELSE would you wrap it up?

  20. And DKGF I would suggest IS, indeed, a "fake charity". Even in so far that anything puroporting to support "integration" here gets tax payers money thrown at it like it was going out of fashion.
