Thursday 17 March 2011

When Your Enemy Is Destroying Himself…

get out of the way:
A Labour shadow minister was last night facing calls for her dismissal after she was recorded saying that the Government "don't want Muslims living in central London".
Come on, love, there’s room in that mouth for another foot…
In an extraordinary attack, Karen Buck – Shadow Work and Pensions Minister – also said that ministers were "deeply hostile" to poor people having children.
There you go!
Last night the Conservative Party Chairman Baroness Warsi said the remarks were "deeply offensive" and called on Ed Miliband to remove her from Labour's frontbench.
Oh, do shut up, Warsi! You don’t ask your enemy to remove a liability to them
She said: "[The Government] do not want lower-income women, families, children and, above all, let us be very clear – because we also know where the impact is hitting – they don't want black women, they don't want ethnic minority women and they don't want Muslim women living in central London. They just don't. They want people to be moving out of anywhere that is a more prosperous area into the fringes of London and into places like Barking and Newham. I have nothing against Barking and Newham. The problem is they are already full of people who are quite poor."
Ouch! Margaret Hodge is going to want a word in your shell-like for that.

Keep it coming, sweetie!
"When you listen to the Tories speaking in Parliament, there is an arrogance and an ignorance that I have never known in my 13 years in Parliament…"

But wait a minute? Didn’t Special Ed insist that he had full control over all of his front bench?
Last month Mr Miliband and Ed Balls, the Shadow Chancellor, wrote to all the Labour front-benchers, warning that all speeches and press releases needed to be cleared with them in advance. In theory, the language used by Ms Buck should have been signed off.
Heh! ‘In theory’…

What does the MP have to say for herself now?
Last night Ms Buck said she stood by the substance of her remarks: "I am very, very concerned about the impact of these cuts on black, Muslim and ethnic minority households, in particular.

"In the passion of a political meeting I was wrong to imply motive on behalf of Government ministers. I can't say what their intention and motives are.

"I can only say my concern is about the impact that these cuts will have."
‘The passion of a political meeting’, eh?

I should feel sorry for you for that sentence alone. But I don't.


  1. Captain Haddock17 March 2011 at 10:19

    "When your enemy is destroying Him/Herself" ..

    Simply hand 'em a bigger shovel ..

    Or a can of petrol ..

    But retain the matches yourself, so that you may choose the precise moment of conflagration ..

  2. I'd love to see the showdown with Hodge. When unstoppable and immovable liabilities meet.

  3. She ought to have gone further and included ugly, menopausal women.

  4. If she suspected that 'the Government' DID want these groups to live in central London - it would presumably be so they could re-create the slums and prevent them from living amongst the white-upper class folks in the suburbs.

  5. I don't see the problem. She is accusing the "GOVERNMENT" of not wanting them. She is not saying her or her party "do not want".

    If someone had pointed out in 1933, that "Hitler does not want Jews in Germany" would that make them a Jew hater?

    I would have said she is actualy on the same SIDE as those groups she mentioned.

    (Which in it's self, is a good reason to sack her.)

    Or is the tide turning and it is now "offensive" to point out that some one ELSE is "racist"?

  6. Isn't what she said very racist?
    She is implying that non whites are unable to earn enough to live in central London? (Presumably because she thinks they are thick?)

    Obviously she has never met any people from ethnic minorities who have very well paid jobs - perhaps because they are too busy to speak to her.

  7. "I am very, very concerned about the impact of these cuts on black, Muslim and ethnic minority households, in particular."

    Why ? How is poverty perceived to affect anyone else ? Do white people of other or non-religion not feel the cold, starve slower and less painfully, remain cleaner for longer and do their children grow more slowly out of their clothes and shoes ?

    Wow, who knew ? What other significant racial and religious differences have we been missing all these years ?

  8. 'Do white people of other or non-religion not feel the cold, starve slower and less painfully, remain cleaner for longer and do their children grow more slowly out of their clothes and shoes ?'

    No, but a lot of them salute the Queen, go to Church, pay taxes and obey the law.

    Labour politicians don't like them sort.

  9. "I'd love to see the showdown with Hodge. When unstoppable and immovable liabilities meet."

    We could sell tickets!

    "I would have said she is actualy on the same SIDE as those groups she mentioned."

    Indeed. As anon points out, to the exclusion of the majority copulation of this country,. too...

    "Isn't what she said very racist?

    She is implying that non whites are unable to earn enough to live in central London?"

    Good point!

    "Labour politicians don't like them sort."

    Indeed they do not. Most of them, however, possess enough native cunning to hide it, though.

  10. If these minorities aren't British and are on benefits they should simply be deported. I bet she wouldn't like that either.
