Thursday 14 April 2011

1, 2, 3, 4, I Declare A Chav War!

Following on from yesterday's post, it seems the war of words (both virtual and reported) continues:
Four parents have been banned from a community centre for a month over comments left on a Facebook page.

Crystal Roberts, Sarah Gregory, Donna Moore and another friend have been told to stay away from Greenstead Community Centre after they protested at the way it was being run.
So they run bleating to the local newspaper, which accords them a voice. Also, the other party:
The centre claims messages which intimidated staff were posted on Facebook page, Bring back the old Greenstead Community Centre.
Hmmmm, now, be honest. Do the two young females pictured in that story look like the sort to do that? Or not..?
Mother-of-two Crystal said: “I didn’t write anything like that.

“I think we should sit down and discuss it, but before we have had the chance to do that the centre has banned us.

“It makes things very awkward for me as I use Surestart which is upstairs and I have to get a member of Surestart staff to come downstairs and collect my baby and buggy outside so I don’t set foot in the centre.”
Actions have consequences, love. But then, it seems two pregnancies didn't teach you that...
Trustee Julie Young said: “Some of the correspondence that has been going on has certainly included abusive and threatening material.

“I posted a statement on the page on behalf of the centre’s trustees saying we would not tolerate any abuse of centre staff and I was deleted as a member of the group.

“One of the members of the churches tried to facilitate a meeting and the action of the group was to remove that individual as a member.”
I await the police getting involved as accusation and counter-accusation fly...


  1. Actions have consequences, love. But then, it seems two pregnancies didn't teach you that...
    No beating about the bush. You are back on form. ROFL!

  2. Two pregnancies!! Bloody hell, looking at those two land-whales, once might be a drunken accident but TWO!!

    Not even by immaculate conception...

  3. Captain Haddock14 April 2011 at 10:15

    And, I wouldn't mind betting that few of the words on Farcebook were correctly spelled either ..

    There really ought to be a method of preventing these people from breeding ..

  4. "There really ought to be a method of preventing these people from breeding .."

    Sobriety would be extremely effective.

  5. The mothers' names include Crystal and Donna, one of the children is called Alfie ... no, I don't need to read any more, I can pretty well guess the rest.

    And, what Henry Crun said. One looks like Matt Lucas on a bad day, the other ... *feels suddenly ill, reaches for the bin*


    or this reported localy as wild monster truck driver in hit and run with two child victims, WTFF!!!

    Yes, wot the fuckaty fuck, I read man hits teenagers running wild in the road, stops, is told everything is OK, leaves. Kids go home where parents think *blame=claim*, take kidz to hospital, kidz given hurty boo hoo plaster and told to get out and be more carefull, Harrogate police urgently search for wild monster truck hit and run driver who because of his dangerous driving seriously injures two young children

  7. "Messages which intimidated staff"

    "I await the police getting involved as accusation and counter-accusation fly..."

    They will....

    Further details (and STRONG language) here:

  8. Captain Haddock14 April 2011 at 18:41

    "Sobriety would be extremely effective" ..

    The more I read about such people, the more I become convinced that Eugenics was nowhere near as bad as its been painted ...

    From the article: "MacDonald, who is paid £44 a week in income support and has never held down a permanent job, denies fathering all but one of his nine children on the grounds that they have different hair colour from him.*rolls eyes*
    It is claimed that he may have fathered up to 15 children, by 14 mothers. Macdonald, who met most of his conquests at bus stops..."
    There's the answer then...ban bus stops !

  10. "No beating about the bush."

    Never! ;)

    "...once might be a drunken accident but TWO!!"

    Clearly, the males of that species aren't choosy.

    "There really ought to be a method of preventing these people from breeding .."

    If their looks and personality can't do that, well, I don't know what will.

    "or this reported localy as wild monster truck driver in hit and run with two child victims"

    Someone once told me that if I was ever involved in an incident that made the local newspaper, I wouldn't recognise it when they had finished. They were right!

    "Macdonald, who met most of his conquests at bus stops...""

