Saturday 9 April 2011

I Don’t Think Yvonne Has Quite Grasped This ‘NuPuritan’ Thing…

Council bosses have ruled out introducing a “fat tax” to stop too many takeaways springing up across the Rochford district.
Now there’s a result!
Keith Hudson, Tory councillor responsible for planning, said: “I don’t think we want to go down the route of taxing businesses like that, because it might make the area unattractive to potential investors.

“Having said that, the council does have a policy of preventing too many of one type of shop and it is something we should look to actively enforce.

“However, I do not think we need to have a fat tax to achieve that. It is more down to us as councillors to enforce it rigorously.”
Leave it to councillors to do their jobs? What a breath of fresh air you are, Keith!

It doesn’t suit some, however:
Yvonne Tessin, who owns West Street jewellery shop Rio, and also lives in the road, said there could be similar problems in Rochford if no action was taken to prevent more takeaways being opened.

She said: “It’s not good for the look of the town to have too many takeaways.

We need some nice, swish wine bars to brighten it up.

“I think we have already got enough takeaways.”
Oh, dear, Yvonne, the junk food is not the end, just as the smoking ban wasn’t the end. Dick Puddlecote and Leg-Iron have plenty of examples.

Support them in this and before long, they’ll be closing down – or pricing out – your swish wine bars too…


  1. What Yvonne fails to realise is that, if people wanted wine-bars rather than takeaways, there would already be plenty of wine-bars and fewer takeaways.

    What Yvonne wants, like all the Left, is for people to want what she wants. People are awful, aren't they? They just don't want the right things. Best force them to. It's for their own good.

  2. The reason you get a lot of one type of shop in one place is because of the customers that are attracted to the area because of the choice. Banning and limiting shops to one type only is actually worse for the single shop than if there were many shops of the same type.

    Why do people go to the curry mile in Manchester? Because they know that there is a lot of choice and competition for their trade. So the customer benefits in having a good range of food to choose frome. The businesses benefit because of the extra trade from the increased levels of customers.

  3. Jewellery shop, huh? Jewellery is unneccessary and elitist. It is a flaunting of wealth in the faces of the poor and it attracts criminals to the area. Does she sell crucifixes? Oh dear, that's offensive. And her shop has the word 'Jew' embedded in it, which is racist.

    She's on the list. She just doesn't know it yet.

  4. "What Yvonne wants, like all the Left, is for people to want what she wants."

    Spot on!

    "The reason you get a lot of one type of shop in one place is because of the customers that are attracted to the area because of the choice."

    I think some councillors (happily, not these) regard their towns as a big game of 'Sim City', and would prefer a more organised mix.

    "She's on the list. She just doesn't know it yet."

    Another fool who thinks restrictions she urges on others will never be turned on her...
