Sunday 10 April 2011

The Identity Parade's Going To Be Fun..

A woman wearing a burka attacked two shoppers with a knife on separate occasions last week.
In the comments, the obvious question is asked - how can they be sure it was a woman?


  1. How do they even know it was the same person at all?

    Is there only one woman that wears a burqa in the UK and all the pictures of her are just her in the latest styles?

    Could this burqa thing be a hoax?

    We should be told.

  2. Honestly, you would (no you wouldn't really) be surprised at the requests of solicitors when their clients have to be part of a video ID parade - it is a very rare occurrence for a 'live' parade to occur. Did you know that if the suspect had a very distinguishing mark or scar on his face then that has to be covered up (pixilated) and the same area on all the other 'participants' has to be altered as well? I would not be surprised if an ID parade does occur if a suspect ever comes to light. It is a crazy system with ID parades often being used as a means not to proceed further with an investigation and/or prosecution despite plenty of other evidence being available.

  3. It's the perfect disguise: firstly, it helps you evade detection in the traditional way, and secondly it is a symbol of a religious identity which will ensure the police aren't exactly pulling out the stops to find you.

  4. "On both occasions she was seen running off along Station Road and into Clacton Road."

    She (or he) could run in a burqa? Wow, a new Olympic event methinks.

    Or maybe she (if it was indeed female) had to hoist up her leg coverings in order to run. In which case, oh dear... God will be angry that one of the true faithful displayed an ankle.

    Earthquakes and fireballs to follow down Clacton Road.

  5. Was it the same shop window? I google street viewed it and there is only a couple of TV repair shops, a letting agent and a Polish pub.
    No mention of it being a racist incident, so I assume the victims were also 'asian' or more likely white....

  6. "How do they even know it was the same person at all?"

    Another good point! The police say they are looking for 'an Asian woman'. Maybe some of her WAS visible at some point?

    "Honestly, you would (no you wouldn't really) be surprised at the requests of solicitors when their clients have to be part of a video ID parade..."

    All in the interests of justice, right..? :/

    "She (or he) could run in a burqa? Wow, a new Olympic event methinks."

    Having just stabbed a man maybe gives you a boost..?

    "No mention of it being a racist incident, so I assume the victims were also 'asian' or more likely white...."

