Sunday 24 April 2011

"I'm afraid it's a sign of the times, Miss Jones, an unfortunate sign of the times..."

A spokeswoman for Waltham Forest Police...added: “It is an unfortunate sign of the times. When times are hard some people will see it is an opportunity to steal...”
Shouldn't you leave the inevitable excuses to their defence brief, love?

Update: Link fixed, thanks to Pavlov's Cat!


  1. "..and is believed to have been produced by children from Coppermill Primary school in Edward Road. "

    Well, was it, or fucking wasn't it?

  2. If it was, they were channeling Paolozzi.

  3. and is believed to have been produced by children from Coppermill Primary school in Edward Road. or possibly by a passing tribe of Celts in 350AD
    Get Tony Robinson on it.

    That's some top journalistic research there. It was only 11 years ago (and these things were always late)

    I pretty sure the paper itself probably covered it, a quick trip to the morgue could have told you.

  4. I'm underwhelmed.

  5. Sign of the times? Nonsense, there is just 2% unemployment round these parts and job vacancies all over the place; we have few domestic burglaries, no muggings for gain and hardly any car crime yet the criminal job avoiders continue to enhance their drug fuelled lifestyles by rampant shoplifting.

    The Police seem to find this acceptable as shoplifting does not damage community cohesion.

  6. "Well, was it, or fucking wasn't it?"

    It was odd phrasing, wasn't it?

    "If it was, they were channeling Paolozzi."

    Heh! Ask most of them who her was, and they'd probably tell you he's a striker for Arsenal.

    Heck, for that matter, so might the teachers!

    "The Police seem to find this acceptable as shoplifting does not damage community cohesion."

    It's the old 'it's not really property if it belongs to a corporation' attitude. Since when did the police think like hippies?
