Friday 22 April 2011

Not Quite As Daft As It Sounds...

Yesterday a coroner expressed surprise at why a doctor was summoned.
Even though there was no head, and the maggots, you had to call him in?’ Dr Shirley Radcliffe asked Det Insp Chuk Gwams.
The officer replied: ‘Yes Ma’am. They are the experts, we are not.’
Now, there's a hell of a lot of sniggering in the comments, but if the 'Mail' doesn't know any better, the coroner certainly should!

Yes, they do have to have life certified extinct by a qualified doctor. It's the law. The police officer didn't write it...

Why is this not a story about a coroner who is apparently ignorant of that fact?


  1. Oh dear, someone has let the F**KW*T out to play.

  2. A coroner so ignorant of a basic and long standing law isn't fit to be a coroner. Maybe the fact that the terminal decline of many coroner's officers, who were also serving police officers, contributes to what is an appalling major ignorance factor.

  3. XX Yes, they do have to have life certified extinct by a qualified doctor. It's the law. The police officer didn't write it...XX

    Aye. Then this "Chuk Gwams." (ANOTHER bastard immigrant screwy foreigner name?) would have been better giving that as an answer, rather than making himself, and the entire poilce force seem like thick twats with his; ‘Yes Ma’am. They are the experts, we are not.’

    Another case of "Yous only promoted me cus i wuz black" ? It was obviously not on the grounds of his cutting edge inteligence and witty repetoire.

  4. Didn't Chuk hit the charts a year or so back with 'All Your Bitches Are Belong To Us' ?

  5. "Oh dear, someone has let the F**KW*T out to play."

    If only there was just one...!

    "A coroner so ignorant of a basic and long standing law isn't fit to be a coroner."


    "Then this "Chuk Gwams." (ANOTHER bastard immigrant screwy foreigner name?) would have been better giving that as an answer..."

    He would, there's no doubt.

    Maybe he doesn't think all that fast on his feet? Which is another good reason he shouldn't be a police officer!
