Saturday 23 April 2011

Oh, My Favourite Subject!

A 24-year-old woman has been jailed for lying about being raped.
Lusha said that after being attacked on June 1 last year she had to be persuaded by her sister and boyfriend to go to police to report the incident.

She then named a man as her attacker and officers arrested him in front of colleagues at his workplace soon after.
So, that's more DNA for the database!
...tests proved although Lusha had had sex on the day she said was raped, it was not with the man she had accused of attacking her.
And I guess that's even more!

She got 20 months. I suppose it's better than nothing.


  1. Why do I get the feeling that the sentence is due to the police's time being wasted rather than the effect on her victim?

  2. Might be another one coming up in Brighton. According to the beeb story, the victim shared a cab with her attacker afterwards...

    Something very strange going on there, even by Brighton standards.

  3. OT but I had to alert you to this

  4. @The King of Wrong:

    Definitely something very strange for Brighton - sex between a man and a woman for starters.

  5. Is lesbian rape a lifestyle feature within womens prisons? Just asking.

  6. Oh, another one of those rare, nay, freak occurrences. How many's that this year?

  7. "Why do I get the feeling that the sentence is due to the police's time being wasted rather than the effect on her victim?"

    Indeed. At least we were spared the inevitable excuses from the police spokesman and assurance they take all such cases 'seriously'...

    " According to the beeb story, the victim shared a cab with her attacker afterwards..."

    Quite! I'll keep my eye on that one.

    "OT but I had to alert you to this"

    Ahh, yes! Angry Exile has done a superb job on that.

    "How many's that this year?"

    Just going by 2011 uses of the tag, 20!
