Friday 15 April 2011

Strange Priorities...

A three-year-old boy was found drinking from a can of lager while his parents were at the pub, a court has heard.

He was one of five youngsters living amid "shocking" conditions in a house in Blackpool, Lancashire.
Isn't this sort of Dickensian squalor why we are supposed to have social workers?
Angela Freer, 31, and Christopher Steele, 55, were given suspended sentences at Preston Crown Court after admitting child neglect.
Virginia Hayton, defending Freer, said her client had learning disabilities and had "genuine love and affection for her children".

Nicholas Courtney, defending Steele, said his client accepted he left the children alone, but added the events were "borne out of inadequacy rather than malice".
So why weren't those children in care long before things reached this state? No doubt they will whine about 'lack of resources'.

And yet, as Tom Paine shows, they always find time to spare to expand the reach of the state to those who don't need or want it...

H/T: Reader Phi Angle via email


  1. "Angela Freer, 31, and Christopher Steele, 55"

    What were she and her father doing allowing .....


    I see..

    As you were.

  2. I am mortified to say I reverted back to Scottish stereotype after reading the first line and thought: 3 years old, What took you so long?

    Obviously I don't really think that, well only a wee bit.

  3. ...............................kill them!

    Seriously, it really does amaze me that so many people think that this is rare, even in the 21st century. It still goes on, will continue to go on and there will be more Peter Connollys - depressing but true.

    Lots of handwringing, lots of lessons to be learned. What needs to be done is a large amount of compulsory sterilisation, that and a few other drastic 'solutions'.

  4. 'Lots of handwringing, lots of lessons to be learned.'

    Yeah, and lots of 'wake-up calls' and 'awareness raising'.

    Meanwhile the carnage goes on.

  5. I'm shocked. Not a mention anywhere of Freer and Steele having had troubled backgrounds and just a side mention that she had learning difficulties - presumably it's hard to learn anything when you're too pissed to focus on the text in The Hungry Caterpillar. Surely this is inadequate representation and there must be a re-trial.

  6. Captain Haddock15 April 2011 at 19:19

    Social Workers ????

    About as much use as testicles on a fish ...

  7. Pssst Joooolia...look at this:

  8. "What were she and her father doing allowing .....



    "I am mortified to say I reverted back to Scottish stereotype after reading the first line and thought: 3 years old, What took you so long?"


    "Lots of handwringing, lots of lessons to be learned. "

    ..and lots of employment for sociology graduates!

    "Surely this is inadequate representation and there must be a re-trial."

    Heh! I wouldn't be at all surprised...

  9. "Pssst Joooolia...look at this: "

    Interesting! "Computer-literate readers will find an official form for the consultation on the internet." That's certainly me! :)

  10. What's very carefully missing from the Beeb report is *where the kids are now* - there is no actual confirmation that they have been taken into care. Don't be shocked if they are back at 'home' shortly...

  11. Julia: "Computer-literate readers will find an official form for the consultation on the internet." That's certainly me!
    Found in two clicks from a google search:
    I haven't read through it all just yet...busy day today...thought it might make an interesting blog post for you given your impressive observation and nit-picking skills ;)

  12. Umm...scratch the above link....wrong wrong wrong...I'm clearly incapable of multitasking...sorry !


  13. Okayyy...THIS is the right one...
