Wednesday 20 April 2011

Trendy Vicar Alert!

The vicar says this blessing was all part of his plan to become known in the area and for people to realise he is approachable rather than stuffy.
The stunt? Blessing a tankful of fish used to give pedicures…
He added: “It’s not the sort of thing you imagine a vicar doing but I’m quite different to the church’s last vicar that was here.

“I’m full of character and a bit of an extrovert.

“I’m new to the parish as I have only been here six months and so I want people to see me as approachable and a bit of a laugh and not at all stuffy.”
Yup, that’s bound to attract new members to the church! How could it possibly fail?
Unique owner Heidi Goodall said: “He seemed quite into reinventing the church and I think he’s going about it in the right way.”
Yes, and once it’s reinvented, will it even be a church?


  1. Puts a whole new slant on 'I will make you fishers of men'.

    Actually, though not of the Christian persuasion myself, I rather like it; those Greeks who came up with the ICTHUS acronym never really exploited its full potential.

    I say good luck to him and look forward to reading about further fish-related activities in the future.

  2. Interesting that other religious sheds like, say, a mosque aren't in a hurry to 'reinvent' themselves.

    Just more of the same, but with barbs. Works a treat for some groups.

  3. "I’m full of character and a bit of an extrovert."

    In other words I'm a pompous soi-disant eccentric, determined to garner some sort of fame or notoriety even at piss-ant local newspaper level, whom you should avoid at all costs.

    Like those people who declare "I'm mad, me", to which my natural reaction is to think "Yes, you probably are- only not in the way you mean".

  4. Anyone who says, in anything other than an ironic sense, "I’m full of character and a bit of an extrovert," should be shot out of hand. My toes curl at the very thought of what hideousness someone so lacking in basic self-awareness could unleash on a captive populace.

  5. Gillies and Widdle: spot-on, you boys.

    Mind you, it could be Harry Enfield trying out a new character...

  6. I wonder if he owns a fez too?

    Hur Hur Hur... Wine, water, water wine!

    Jes like that!

  7. "...those Greeks who came up with the ICTHUS acronym never really exploited its full potential."


    "Interesting that other religious sheds like, say, a mosque aren't in a hurry to 'reinvent' themselves."


    "Anyone who says, in anything other than an ironic sense, "I’m full of character and a bit of an extrovert," should be shot out of hand."

    Agreed. Anon's translation is spot on!
