Thursday 14 April 2011

What Is It With These People?

A social care worker was struck off yesterday for having an "inappropriate relationship" with a 15-year-old killer.
Good grief, there’s more of it than anyone realised!

And before anyone says ‘Well, what do they expect, recruiting childless sociology graduates?’, well, think again:
Mum-of-two Tracey Hannah looked after the boy in a secure unit in Airdire, Lanarkshire, where he was serving a sentence for culpable homicide.

But bosses suspended the 39-year-old after they discovered she had struck up an illicit friendship with the youth, sending notes and cards to him.
Not that that stopped her.
Hannah, a registered residential childcare worker, continued to contact the boy, and even phoned the secure unit using a false name to try to speak to him.
What is it with these women?


  1. I bet the murderous little shitehawk was utterly beside himself.

  2. You mean you don't get these 'urges' AP? Hardly the normal hysterical role-model then! Perhaps you are lacking something of the necessary qualifications like brain vacuum?

    The psychos like this kid work their utterly obvious 'wiles' on most people - hence their ability to secure release on parole three times more often than ordinary crims. You ain't 'normal' - which is why I read here most days.

    Channel 4 showed a tape of a 'woman on woman' encounter in the Baby P case in which the not clever mother completely suckers the SW with 'intimate relating'. Sanity and the critical eye of your excellent reporting humour is very thin on the ground.

  3. Have you read "Juliet Naked"?

  4. FYI JuliaM:

    If you're interested in non-UK 'women who lie about rape' but from NZ, there's a cracker going round just today about a guy with Asperger's Syndrome who has just had his rape conviction quashed after a woman framed him, even though he was shown on CCTV camera at the time of the alleged halfway across the city and the fact that they could not find any DNA evidence to link him to the crime. This is going around all the AS boards at the moment.

  5. Sorry, I have just realised I was talking entirely out of my backside. Apologies.

    Turns out she was raped, but she picked out the wrong fella in an ID parade. The police then didn't do their job properly.

  6. The only people 'looking after' these psychos should be muscle-bound males with bad breath and hair growing from the palms of their hands.

  7. "Channel 4 showed a tape of a 'woman on woman' encounter in the Baby P case in which the not clever mother completely suckers the SW with 'intimate relating'."

    Oh, lord, yes! That was utterly compelling viewing, wasn't it?

    Of course, the social work forum was alive with 'oh, sure, that's in hindsight' claims...

    "Have you read "Juliet Naked"?"

    No, I'll have to look it up.

    "Turns out she was raped, but she picked out the wrong fella in an ID parade. The police then didn't do their job properly."

    If the description of identity parades Ranter provided the other day in the comments is common in NZ, I'm not surprised!
