Monday, 9 May 2011

And The Disillusionment Continues...

Poor Joan Smith:
The election of Barack Obama was supposed to mark a definitive break with the cowboy lawlessness of the Bush administration. It was supposed to be the moment when liberals could feel solidarity with the US again, instead of wincing each time an American president claims leadership of the free world.
Yes, her suspicions were correct; Obama has proven himself once more to be a President who does the thing that he believes is right for his country, not what sits well with a middle-aged Islington liberal.

How could he..?!? Poor Joanie will be weeping into her pillow this weekend.


  1. Interesting Obama related vid...

  2. Obama's coronation was accompanied by a near religious expectation of 'change', without any definition of what that change would comprise.

    No surprise that a leftie dreamed up their own narrative of what needed to change, and was (inevitably) disillusioned.

    Quite a few Americans were too, apparently.

  3. Western moral authority died in Abbottabad?

    lt died long before that!

  4. Investing so many emotional expectations on a man like Barack Obama was never going to end well; his background was unclear to say the least, his political track record was non-existent and surrounding himself with a mix of dodgy appointments and idealism-loving youngsters could only satisfy 'hopes' for so long.

    Now he has been largely seen merely as a 'suit' (according to one report he was pulled in off the Saturday golf course and told what was going on with bin Laden; he had been unable to make up his mind on the way to go and so the decision was made by others... and as evidenced by the published war room picture he was sat on his own like a fringe player) his future isn't clear either.

    The question now is whether the Republicans have anyone approaching credibility in 2012 or does the Hillary emerge as a front runner?

  5. I said it at the time and I'll say it again. Even if the Yanks really thought they were voting for change it was clear from the outset that on the things that matter they were always going to get similarity.

  6. The sort of 'change' they wanted would have led to chaos. You can't satisfy dreamers.

  7. It's the hypocrisy I don't like. America stands for the rule of law and due process, except for when it doesn't.

    I am happy for the Americans to elect people who will do what the Americans want, but to wrap it up in holier-than-thou rhetoric is just ridiculous.

  8. listen to the uncontrollable sobbing.

    nooo... why Obama... why didn't you save us?

  9. Captain Haddock9 May 2011 at 17:52

    " ... not what sits well with a middle-aged Islington liberal" ...

    As the words to part of the chorus of a Vietnam War era protest song would have it ..

    "When will they ever learn, When will they ever learn" ?

    The fundamental problem with Islington Liberals & Lefties is that they're not of this world & never will be ..

  10. I'm sure she's very sincere in her stupid opinions. Bless.

  11. The world will be an even better place once Sarkozy has kicked Gaddafi's ass.....

  12. Why is it that 'liberal thinkers' (oxymoron?) only consider an decision to be 'democratic' it it accords with their own opinion?

  13. "Interesting Obama related vid..."


    "The question now is whether the Republicans have anyone approaching credibility in 2012 or does the Hillary emerge as a front runner?"

    It's not looking good is it?

    "The world will be an even better place once Sarkozy has kicked Gaddafi's ass....."

    If we're pinning our hopes on the French, I think we've already lost!
