Saturday 28 May 2011

"But you can travel on ten thousand miles, and still stay where you are..."

Witnesses said Mr Farah dashed past them with a man in pursuit near the town centre at 10pm on Thursday night.

Seconds later he was shot outside a Samaritans branch in an alleyway on the notorious Fishermead Boulevard estate, where a large number of Somali and Eastern European families live.

Yesterday police handed out leaflets written in Somali in an attempt to calm fears.
I guess the Eastern Europeans can just go ahead and worry all they want?
Mr Hird said: ‘His mother moved him to Birmingham to get away from this but he used to come back and visit friends a lot.’

Another uncle, Sharmaarke Mohammed, 38, said: ‘When I heard he had been killed I thought he must have been visiting his father in Somalia – which is a war-torn country – not Milton Keynes which we thought was peaceful. He was well behaved and likeable, with a lot of friends.’
Move around all you want, but Harry Chapin was right; unless you change your way of life, you'll always be in Somalia. In fact, you'll take Somalia with you wherever you go...

And if the initial police suspicion turns out to be true, there'll be a reason for those 'lots of friends':
Police are investigating a theory that the pair were killed over a drugs dispute. They are thought to have been on the fringes of a Somali gang known for street robberies and peddling Class A drugs.
Local do-gooders are distraught:
Isabella Fraser, 75, a local Lib Dem councillor and chairman of the local equality council, said: ‘It is a great shame...’
Aww, don't worry, love! Looks like there's plenty more in the community for you to fret over!

Losing one or even two of your flock shouldn't upset a good shepherd that much, should it?


  1. God only knows what it is going to take for it to happen (and it may be quite unpleasant when it does) but sooner or later we are going to have a government in this country that will not just make airy promises to 'reduce immigration'. It will start sending people back.

    If Somalians were in the first wave to be repatriated, I wouldn't complain.

  2. " unless you change your way of life, you'll always be in Somalia. In fact, you'll take Somalia with you wherever you go..."

    That might just be the wisest comment here this week.

  3. Really great blog. My friends referred me your site. Looks like everyone knows about it. I'm going to read your other posts. Take care. Keep sharing.

  4. 'sooner or later we are going to have a government in this country that will not just make airy promises to 'reduce immigration'. It will start sending people back.'

    I wish I could really believe that, Uncle.

  5. Not discussed at a national level or by the MSM. I genuinely cannot understand the motivation of mainstream politicians of indigenous ethnicity who allow this.

    What is wrong with them?

  6. In the inimitable words of Windsor Davies:

    Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.

  7. I would hope the leaflets say in effect 'Why not go back to Somalia and give us all a break? For reasons beyond many of us we have to have the East Europeans here, but meh, less so for you.'

    Not bein' racist or anything for as far as I am concerned the Somalis can be white or green. They have their own country already, so what's wrong with it?

  8. Mr Farah was born in Norway to Somali parents.

    The culprit this time looks not to be the EU directly, but shared membership of the European Economic Area. This treaty obliges us to treat anyone from Norway as if they were EU members, but doesn't quite bind Norway the same way.

    However, why we have to allow entry to someone who was not even Norwegian, such as his parents, is a mystery to me.

    For reference, I commend my favourite wiki which can be clicked on to show what groupings mean and which countries are in which clubs.

  9. "Losing one or even two of your flock shouldn't upset a good shepherd that much, should it?"

    As Terry Pratchett has noted, the reason a good shepherd has a flock of 100 sheep instead of 99 (or 98 or 97 ...) is because it's the one or two in trouble who need the shepherd, not the rest.

    Of course, whether a Lib Dem councillor is a 'good shepherd' by any stretch of the imagination is another matter entirely...

  10. King of wrong,

    I think you'll find that idea is considerably older than Pratchett.

    Matthew 18 vv 12, 13. The words of Christ.

  11. Anon said: "They have their own country already, so what's wrong with it?"
    Er, it's run by Somalis?

  12. Captain Haddock28 May 2011 at 18:16

    Somalis ? .. East Europeans ? ..

    Sounds like a good reason to secure all access & egress points to & from this Estate .. and leave the inhabitants to fight it out ..

    Whichever side won, you can bet we'd save thousands on benefit claims ..

  13. At least the Trident Officers will get the Bank Holiday off....

  14. The film 'Escape from New York' seems more like a documentary every day.

  15. "If Somalians were in the first wave to be repatriated, I wouldn't complain."

    It does seem a particularly useless and parasitic culture, doesn't it?

    And that's not a modern phenomenon either. Quite a few of my old African hunting books contain scathing passages about the general untrustworthiness of Somali tribesmen.

    "I genuinely cannot understand the motivation of mainstream politicians of indigenous ethnicity who allow this.

    What is wrong with them?"

    They know it isn't going to affect them personally.

    "However, why we have to allow entry to someone who was not even Norwegian, such as his parents, is a mystery to me."

    Chalk another nonsense up to the EU's many associated tentacles...

    "Anon said: "They have their own country already, so what's wrong with it?"

    Er, it's run by Somalis?"

    Spot on!

  16. Leaflets aren't likely to do any good. The Somali community tends not to trust authority, nor read things in any language. The written word certainly isn't part of their culture. Somalia itself has only had an official written language for 35 years.

  17. You cannot expect a multiculturalist to know a fact like that about another culture

    Somalia - war torn basketcase.
    Areas of Milton Keynes with Somalis - violent shithole.

    Complete coincidence.

  18. You can imagine the police independent advisory groups swinging into action, the GOLD strategy meetings, the liaison with 'comoonitee leaders', the family liaison officers, the interpreters, the whole police diversity circus rolled into action costing THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of pounds, the overtime, the crime scene etc etc - all of which is required by law and all for what? That's where cuts have to be amde. Somalis go back and forth to their 'war torn country' with impunity and at no risk so WTF we can't deport their skinny vicious little persons back there is beyond all reasonable people.

  19. English Viking: Cheers! I'd guessed it wasn't original, but had no idea it was a biblical reference.
