Saturday 21 May 2011

Green Councillors Tell Caroline Lucas...

...'Sorry, love, but we'd really like to get back into power, so we respectfully decline your offer to commit electoral hari-kiri':
In an emergency meeting the whole group of 23 councillors decided almost unanimously to evict the group – despite party leader Caroline Lucas stating travellers should be moved on only when there is a suitable alternative site for them.
Now, there's a turn-up for the books, eh?

But the Greens are more solicitous of some other evictees:
Work on The Keep, the new home for archives and historical resources of Brighton, Hove and East Sussex, is due to begin in the summer. However, before construction starts, ecological teams are moving groups of reptiles and slow worms from the site of special scientific interest to alternative areas to allow them to breed.
Heh! I bet a few progressives' heads will go 'pop' at the thought...


  1. I wonder how much has been done over the years to help 'travellers'? I note that 'money in search of more more' builds property all over that no-one can afford to live in.
    Given all the demand, why is it we can't sort out actual housing or caravan sites? Words like 'priorities' and 'resources' leave me cold. I'm nearly 60 and seem to remember 60 years of these stories!

  2. I make no case for 'trailer park trash'above. Scrote behaviour, whether by travellers or general 'evil poor' or 'vile rich' should be dealt with immediately, not in the lengths of time our courts or councils take. In this sense, travellers are not the same kind of blight as crap families the councils house in our streets for years on end. With the current massive pressure on social-affordable housing - our own young hardly leave home - it's amazing our councils have any time for this kind of issue at all.
    I favour sticking mobile homes in rich areas and dumping the problem there, with ruthless action to shift it from more general public space.

  3. I wonder how may are actually travellers and how many are just tax-avoiding scum taking the piss out of the law every which they can.
    My great-great-uncle was a southern irish tinker born and raised in a dirt-poor but law-abiding travelling lifestyle who settled very reluctantly but very happily to bricks and mortar when he married my great-great-aunt. He'll be spinning in his grave at this lots disgusting behaviour.

  4. It's a start but there is a long way to go. When they start turning down planning applications for wind farms they might regin a little of my trust.

  5. "I wonder how much has been done over the years to help 'travellers'?"

    I wonder how many are really travellers, and how many are just 'tax-avoiding scum' and scofflaws, as Tattyfalarr points out?

    " He'll be spinning in his grave at this lots disgusting behaviour."


  6. I wonder how may are actually travellers and how many are just tax-avoiding scum taking the piss out of the law every which they can.

    Your uncle notwithstanding, what's the difference?

  7. Gibby... what a silly question. For the difference to be apparent my uncle and his ilk *must* be withstanding.
    Your questions wishes to take the apples out of a fruit bowl and ask what is the difference between the bananas. It doesn't make sense.
