Friday 27 May 2011

Keep Death Off The Roads (No, NOT A Cycling Post!)...

But incredibly the court heard that Smith could be handed his job back as his boss was so 'impressed' by his conduct, both before and after the incident.
Philip Hatvani, defending, said the automatic driving ban, which Smith would get for admitting dangerous driving, would be punishment enough.

He said: 'He is going to have to ride out the ban, take the extended driving test, retake his coach test and also get a lorry licence.

'It is going to be particularly hard for this man. He went to a special needs school because he has dyslexia. He has no academic qualifications.

'But he managed to find himself work, to work his way up to become a coach driver.

'He is going to find it incredibly difficult to find any other type of work.'
I'm not sure a man with dyslexia and an unstable temper is really the person to be in charge of a large vehicle...

Especially since it seems his eyesight isn't too good, either:
The court also heard that Smith leaned out of his window and stuck his middle finger up at a witness and a policeman as he drove away.


  1. " 'He is going to have to ride out the ban"

    ...on public transport.

  2. 'leaned out of his window and stuck his middle finger up'

    It's Naked Gun time again!

    "Now Stephanie, gently extend your arm...."

  3. Whatever happened to the B R I T I S H 'agincourt archer' V-sign?! When did we all get Ameritarded?

  4. The car driver should also be prosecuted, blocking the highway or something. Selfish bastard holding everyone up just because he was late and he wanted to fet his mare on board

  5. He doesn't sound any too different from all the lorry drivers that work here.
    Must be a training thing :-D

  6. "It's Naked Gun time again!"

    We need to consult the incomparable Bob Newhart on bus driver training...

    "Whatever happened to the B R I T I S H 'agincourt archer' V-sign?! When did we all get Ameritarded?"

    Good point. I heard a caller on Jeremy Vine's show yesterday refer to having been 'burglarized'...
