Saturday 21 May 2011

No, Nathan, That’s Exactly Where People Like You Are Supposed To Be…

…albeit they are supposed to be there for a damn sight longer:
An attacker jailed for his part in a ‘frenzied attack’ on a Good Samaritan has been released after serving ten weeks of his ten-month sentence.
*counts on fingers* Well, that’s about a quarter of it, right?

Is he thanking his lucky stars, and keeping his head down? Not exactly:
Speaking candidly at his West Howe home he insisted that he had ‘learned his lesson’ after spending time behind bars in a tough prison.

Alderton said: “I was sent to a maximum security prison in Milton Keynes. People like me aren’t supposed to be there; it was horrendous.”
Oh, poor wee lamb!
“I tried to keep myself to myself as much as possible because I was serving my time with murderers.”
And if your victim had been unlucky enough to die from the beating you dished out, you’d be only one step removed from them…
He described his co-defendants as otherwise ‘decent people’.
I must need a new dictionary, then. My definition of ‘decent people’ doesn’t cover drunken thugs who launch unprovoked attacks on strangers…


  1. He should have gone down for Attempted Murder. Attacking in a pack is nothing less.

  2. Perhaps W.O.A.R could explain to us how the sweet fuck a gang 'kicking' went through as 'ABH'?! Surely the mere fact that it was a gang attack on a single victim on the floor would make it GBH/serious assault/whatever

    Seems a bit strange to me.

  3. He'll be back inside, probably before the end of his theoretical sentence.

  4. Boots n Snudge21 May 2011 at 18:22

    Maybe he's right when he says: "People like me aren’t supposed to be there."

    Indeed, you shouldn't. If you are law-abiding and behave properly and not attack people in a gang (so you can get the boot in without, heaven forfend, being hurt yourself) then you certainly aren't supposed to be in prison.

    On the other hand, if you do attack someone as you did, maybe you do...

  5. @Shinar

    I'm guessing that because they all admitted admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and they were all 21 or under, the CPS didn't want to push for GBH as that might have been more difficult to establish.

    It's worth remembering that since young man in this release has a conviction which will show up on CRB checks for the foreseeable future, he's now unlikely to get work in many industries. The difficulty now is getting anyone to employ him, because if they don't, he's going to be a benefits claimant for ...well, could be the rest of his life.

    Galling though it is, it may be best that this one finishes his sentence in society, going to work during the day and going straight home at night, if by some miracle he still has a job.

  6. Mind you, looking at the original trial report

    Mr Grier added: “All of them wanted to fight Mr Hanson. All of a sudden he was knocked backwards. He remembers all four raining down punches until he fell to the floor.

    “He covered his head to protect himself. They started kicking him all over his body and head and he shouted out ‘Stop I’ve had enough.’

    So yes, it does seem inconsistent.

    The original report has pictures of all the gang.

  7. "He should have gone down for Attempted Murder. Attacking in a pack is nothing less."

    Indeed. CPS laziness is likely the culprit (again).

    "The difficulty now is getting anyone to employ him, because if they don't, he's going to be a benefits claimant for ...well, could be the rest of his life.

    I'm guessing that won't make him a stand-out in his own social circle...
