Monday 23 May 2011

No, Stop, You’re Killing Me!

A sizeable, irritated beaver has thrown caution to the wind, stretched its legs and taken itself for a jaunt around town.
‘There's a beaver holding up [the] main street,’ said Jason Mercredi on the video he captured of the event.
It looked huge. I always thought beavers would be smaller,’ Mr Keizer told CBC News...
*gasps for breath*
All the beavers I've ever seen have been in water, so you only ever see pieces of them; like, you don't get to see the whole beaver.’


  1. Just spare a thought for the local TV newsreaders - in NWT, this will be headline news for days.

  2. I can't think of anything to say ('snork' covers most of it), but thanks for the post. Brightened my day.

  3. Not being American it took me a that old joke: "What's the difference between Meat and Fish?" Answer- "if you beat your fish it dies"!

  4. I thought that was fairly well-established UK slang by now.

    Armour covering the lower part of the face => beard by the early C20. (I'm pretty sure there is a reference to a man with a 'fine beaver' in Sherlock Holmes somewhere.) Beard => female naughty bits by not long afterwards, from the obvious analogy.

  5. The late Leslie Neilsen was in a movie (Naked Gun) and stands at the foot of a ladder in a library while a young woman (Priscilla Presley) goes up. She is wearing a skirt and he looks up, and says: "Nice beaver."

    The girl descends and hands him a large, stuffed beaver and thanks him for the compliment.

    Almost as good as the old radio joke: "Tits like coconuts and sparrows like breadcrumbs."

  6. "sizeable, irritated beaver "


  7. "I thought that was fairly well-established UK slang by now."

    Probably. It sounds almost as stupid as the cringe worthy 'front bottom' (way to guilt trip a generation of women).

  8. Still not as bad as 'foo-foo', which I heard once.

  9. For anyone who hasn't seen the clip that Funny bone mentions

  10. Sometimes they just write themselves, don't they?

  11. nearly as good as 'I want to complain about woken up every morning by the farmer's cock....'

  12. No please, stop. it's funnier than Huge inflatable beavers at the Winter Olympics

  13. My toolbox has a sticker on it that says

    "save a tree, eat a beaver"

  14. "Just spare a thought for the local TV newsreaders..."

    Heh! I had that one in mind as I was reading this :)

    "I thought that was fairly well-established UK slang by now."

    Yup, the Leslie Neilsen film helped :)

    "Sometimes they just write themselves, don't they?"

    This one pretty much did, that's for sure.

  15. Just as a teacup stains a polished table, time spent in the company of Gadget's vulgar rabble leaves its mark.
