Friday 20 May 2011

Not Exactly, Chief Superintendent Charles Griggs…

Sleep should come a lot more easily to people living in a block of flats in Beckenham after a nuisance neighbour was booted out.
Borough commander Chief Superintendent Charles Griggs said: “He has been in effect kicked out.

“For the first time people [in Woodlands] can rest at night and the problem is solved.”
Well, strictly speaking, the problem’s been moved on. Still, so long as it’s not on your patch, eh?


  1. I heard something similar last year; the council had re-housed a 'disadvantaged' family near a relative of mine.

    Night after night, their offspring and friends roared round the estate on motorbikes or smashed up the bus shelters and street lights - to say nothing of the disappearance of anything that wasn't nailed down.

    After a year, the council moved them on and a CSO visited householders to reassure them the problem was 'solved'.

    The more cynical residents, making enquiries in the area, have discovered that the family is regularly moved to pastures (and pickings) new every twelve months, presumably to keep the local crime figures under control.

  2. "This is a fantastic temporary result for the residents of Woodlands" said some other Nancy from the Superintendent Griggs 'timeshare a nuisance' unit.

  3. I once bought a small house in a working class area as it was all I could afford, but it was a fairly clean place and the houses were well-built.

    There were a number of old people who had lived there all their lives (they had moved in when that particular area served a large steel works; pre-car workers used to live within walking distance of work) as well as young families starting out.

    Most of us had mortgages, or at least had had them.

    Then I discovered the local council were buying houses to move in any problem families they didn't want on their 'wonderful' housing estates. So we were invaded by scrotes and ne'er do wells because the council didn't want their tenants upset.

    And for us who lived there? Our job was merely to pay our council tax as well as our mortgage, but not to say anything.

    If I recall, 'vote for us because we care' was their election slogan.

  4. This is the problem, what do you do with them? We ahve had this problem and the family were moved on to another estate, however that one had ALL the baddies there!
    Don't know what the answer is, only put them on a desert island!

  5. @ Macheath:-

    There's a large family who live opposite to me and were re-housed to her approximately 12 years ago after they had been evicted from their house which was about 4 miles away. Just far enough so that no-one in this area had heard of them. They are now in a huge 3 storey house, the police are regular callers, the sons are regular burglars and drug dealers, the mother and her assorted male visitors are regular domestic violence participants.
    Only a couple of years ago the whole house had to be completely stripped of all it's contents (furniture, bedding, carpets etc.,)by the local authority after the police had attended to do a search after yet another arrest of one of the sons. The officers had to withdraw after a couple of minutes due to the infestation and that they were being bitten by unseen tiny creatures. Over the next few days there were at least 3 skip loads of rubbish taken away. But the occupants didn't mind because everything was replaced courtesy of the borough tax-payers. Two years down the line the place is still a shit-hole with all the pondlife visiting at all hours of the day and night and greeted by the ubiquitous rottweiler (called 'Bruno'). The only time we get any peace and quiet is when one of the sons gets put away, unfortunately not for long enough!

    The sons are thick-as-shit habitual burglars who use the same MO at each scene they raid so they are always getting caught! They even did he flat next door to them once!

    And their tom cat keeps coming over and picking fights with my pussy!!

  6. One would expect the law to be about stopping this - not issuing gagging orders about banker screwing.
    We had it next door for 7 years. It is impossible to deal with. The cops and local authorities are useless and will not tell the truth about it in public.
    We are now more revolted by cops who lied and the local authority worthies and our MP than the scum.

  7. The Lib-Lab-Con politicians will eventually repent and solve all these problems.

    And if that doesn't work then in 50 years time we will have Sharia law anyway.

    So don't vote for any of those extremist parties, God no.

  8. Because there is no one that can do the whole job in one go.
    The Police can arrest for offences committed and if there is evidence, it goes to Court. I could write pages about the problems of actually getting the evidence, from witnesses who are too scared to talk and CCTV cameras that don't quite show enough.
    The 1 in 10 cases that actually do get to Court are never dealt with properly. Offender nearly always gets bail, usually with weak conditions and is back on the estate that same night causing more problems. See frightened witnesses and patchy CCTV coverage.
    When the offender finally gets to Court he/she gets a free Solicitor (free to them) who argues the case for the Court not to give the sentence that the little sh1t desperately deserves.
    If the family are housing association tenants, the Association might go for an eviction, but the Govt rules usually mean that the eviction renders the family 'homeless' and have to be rehoused.
    The work these families generate for the authorities has to be seen to be believed.
    The last Govt invented the ASBO to fill in some of the gaps, but unless the penalty for a breach is jail time, what is the point.

  9. Maybe the answer would be to put up some prefab housing on the remote islands to the NW of Scotland and move all these types there. All that would be needed would be an air-drop of food once a week.

    If they survived it might make them appreciate what they have wrecked.

    wv: dosesm - that which should happen to the scrots.

  10. "The more cynical residents, making enquiries in the area, have discovered that the family is regularly moved to pastures (and pickings) new every twelve months, presumably to keep the local crime figures under control."


    "This is the problem, what do you do with them? "

    I'm very much favouring the deserted island solution. I think Gruinard is still available, and only slightly deadly. In places.

    "One would expect the law to be about stopping this - not issuing gagging orders about banker screwing."

    Once upon a time, it was. And I fear it's far too late to ever go back to that...

    "The work these families generate for the authorities has to be seen to be believed."

    Sadly, I can believe it all too well.

  11. I'm no fan of CS Griggs-he would go to the opening of an envelope if there was a photo-op.But unless Parliament make "being a noisy neighbour" a criminal offence then moving them on is the only thing that can be done.
    PS Nice to see MTG commenting when there's a hint of an anti-police story

  12. "The work these families generate for the authorities has to be seen to be believed."


    There's money to be made from perpetuating the problem. Resolving such problems...even partly...would put a LOT of people out work. It suits to do the job half-arsed.

  13. "But unless Parliament make being a noisy neighbour a criminal offence then moving them on is the only thing that can be done."

    Grammar issues aside, you have demonstrated repetitive public spectacles of poor legal knowledge, WPC Jaded. This ignorance shares an almost identical consistency to your blog stalking.

    On this occasion, the Noise Act 1996 has made you a liar or a fool.

  14. He's back.....correcting my grammar in his pompous way.
    As for blog stalking...well pot and kettle spring to mind.
    I looked up the Noise Act,you are actually right for a change!!! At Hendon we concentrated on things like theft/burglary/murder etc.I must have been absent the day we were taught the Noise Act.
    PC Jaded.

  15. There would be no shame in resigning, WPC Jaded. A determination to serve the public is laudable but finding a post to suit your talents involves mutual acceptance of limitations.

    There are a number of vacancies in the cleansing section at Kirklees Highways. You have convinced me of your gutter experience but can you cut it with a large brush?

  16. Very good.Pat yourself on the back.
    See you on world weary detective/thinking policeman/peter reynolds or wherever you may pop up next and haven't been banned from.
    WPC Jaded
