Sunday 22 May 2011

Oh, Well, So Long As They Are 'Considering' It...

Camden council said it was considering prosecuting the shop owners for cruelty and was taking possession of the animals.
Don't strain yourselves by working too hard, will you...


  1. Give to the RSPCA they'll prosecute before you can say Tortoise's collapsed penis

    Oh wait is there any money in it for them, a will to be overturned? no, then perhaps not

    wv. retardo

  2. Captain Haddock22 May 2011 at 12:00

    "Oh wait is there any money in it for them, a will to be overturned? no, then perhaps not" ..

    Or maybe the chance to make yet another TV series (is Rolf Harris even still alive) ?

    What intrigues me though, is how they established that the Hamster was deaf ?

    Did they shout at it ? .. Blow whistles ? .. Bang pans together ? .. or what ?

    And even if the poor old Hamster was born deaf, how does that equate to "cruelty" .. other than perhaps on the part of nature ?

  3. Sounds like the owner died or ended up seriously ill in hospital.

    Or maybe had a nervous breakdown.

    People rarely do this sort of thing out of maliciousness, this is almost always a by-product of some explosion in their lives.

  4. Captain Haddock22 May 2011 at 20:52

    "Sounds like the owner died or ended up seriously ill in hospital.

    Or maybe had a nervous breakdown" ...

    Or maybe got hurled in the slammer for the heinous crime of not paying business taxes etc ?

  5. "Oh wait is there any money in it for them, a will to be overturned? no, then perhaps not "

    Spot on!

    "People rarely do this sort of thing out of maliciousness, this is almost always a by-product of some explosion in their lives."

    A breakdown, and amnesia I might believe. Any other issue? Well, all they'd need to do is tell someone.

    "Or maybe got hurled in the slammer for the heinous crime of not paying business taxes etc ?"

    Again, why not tell someone?
