Wednesday 18 May 2011

Potential For Catastrophic Consequences – High!

Detectives investigating the murder of a young electrician who was shot in a case of mistaken identity issued a picture of the intended victim today.

Is it just me, or…?
Police have released a CCTV image of a man of similar build to Mr Smith entering the premises minutes before who they believe to have been the real target in a local gang war.

Detective Inspector John Crossley, who is leading the inquiry, said: "I believe the man shown with a pixelated face was the target. He has a similar build, skin tone, hair and is wearing clothes similar to Daniel's."
Whew! For just a minute there…


  1. What's the point of issuing a picture of the 'intended victim' which is pixilated? To support the assertion that the 'wrong man' was killed?

  2. What I want to know is why they let these pixelated people wander round the country at will. They're nearly always bad 'uns.

    Whenever you see some CCTV footage of a crime or some criminal going into court it's one of those pixelated bastards. And the way they drive! You watch any "coppers chasing loonies" program and it's always one of them behind the wheel.

    Mark my words; you cant' trust anyone with a face like a bad youtube video. They should lock 'em all up and throw away the key! Pixelated bastards.

    wv: obsest. No I'm not. How dare you. Bloody impertinent machine.

  3. Wot Kevin B said....

    How stupid were the crims that they shot the worng bloke? Did both have pixelated faces? If so, that would explain it because these pixelated people all look the same to me.

  4. Looks like the murderers were colour blind too...

  5. It's the ones wandering around with pixilated faces that I worry about.

  6. Much as practice now makes me think cyclists are allowed to terrorise pavements, surely gang members should be photographed and displayed for future targeting? Then less £30 fines would get meted out to the innocent occasional? This, I think is the logic of the system?

  7. Now here's some useful police action:

  8. I would like to have witnessed that Mrs E - preferably whilst boarding the train to go in the return direction!
    I may carry a photocopy to post above my seat!

  9. "What I want to know is why they let these pixelated people wander round the country at will. They're nearly always bad 'uns. "


    "...these pixelated people all look the same to me."


    "Now here's some useful police action.."

    I do love the comments at the 'Mail's version of this story. Most are wondering what sort of phone she has that gives you 16 hours talk-time! :)

  10. Taxi for Operation Trident!

    It's a job for life.

  11. Captain Haddock19 May 2011 at 09:41

    Bugger being an electrician in London .. you never know who's gonna slot you "by mistake" ..

  12. Dear Det Inspector John Crossley,

    I have vital information which has absolutely nothing to do with this case whatsoever. Could you please telephone me on 01484 ****** asap.
