Saturday 14 May 2011

Three Chilling Words…

A woman who made hundreds of nuisance calls to police has been spared a jail sentence, a court heard.

Louise Hathaway called up Hampshire and Sussex police without reason numerous times over the last four years under the influence of alcohol, the court was told.
She got a conditional discharge.

And why? The usual pathetic excuses?
Hathaway has been attending meetings with a psychiatrist and a probation officer, the court was told.

Jeffrey Norrie-Miller, mitigating, said Hathaway had an opportunity to address the issues that had brought her to the point of extensive alcohol abuse.
Well, that’s a ‘yes’ then. But there was one more:
“Miss Hathaway has demonstrated her total commitment to turning her life around,” he said.

He said Hathaway was no longer using alcohol, and expecting a child had a major impact in her recognising her responsibilities.
Pity the poor child…


  1. " made 76 calls on the 999 network between 1.30am and 6am on October 22 last year"

    I'm about as 'Pro Life' as you can get but some people should really NOT be allowed to breed and further pollute the gene pool.

  2. Get out of jail free card.

  3. Women like that should have their children taken away from them prior to sterilisation. otherwise it just encourages them to breed and it is the rest of us who will have to pick up the bill.

  4. The result of care in the community - the community pays.

  5. "My client tells me she has been walking on water and curing the blind"

    In spite of a trade dealing with everyday miracles, Jeffrey Norrie-Miller failed to provide testimony to his client's gifts. Indeed this failing seems to be as prevalent in his profession as wonders are abundant in the class of offender they represent.

  6. I'm expecting a child too. May I murder someone now?

  7. "...but some people should really NOT be allowed to breed and further pollute the gene pool."

    I know :(

    "The result of care in the community - the community pays."

    And pays, and pays, and...

    "I'm expecting a child too. May I murder someone now?"

    Did you have someone in mind..? ;)

  8. Don't worry, round here in the leafy suburbs of Cambridgshire we have a more enlightened way of dealing with the serially criminal.
