Wednesday 22 June 2011

At Least This Time We Were Spared A Whinge About 'Wasted Police Resources'...

Aisha Mather, 19, ripped her tights, overturned a coffee table and pulled down curtains in an attempt to convince police she had been attacked at knifepoint and raped in her home.

And the motive for this one? Jealousy? Revenge on an unfaithful boyfriend?

No. She was about to be kicked off her university course:
She believed this would give her an excuse to leave her course and move back in with her parents, and kept up the pretence for eight days – even after police arrested a man who matched her detailed description of the tattooed black ‘rapist’.
What was she studying? Well, would you believe, law?
Yesterday, Mather sobbed in the dock as Judge Tony Mitchell described her actions as ‘mind-boggling’.

He added: ‘You had been playing the fool at university, got yourself into debt, and wanted your parents to dig you out without having to admit the truth. Your behaviour was utterly despicable.’
And was the sentence she got commensurate with the sentence an innocent man convicted of raping her might have got?
Mather, from Stevenage, Hertfordshire, admitted perverting the course of justice and was sentenced to two years in a young offenders institute.
Well, at least she'll never be practising law in a town near you...


  1. The 'innocent man' will now have his prints & DNA on databases- and they (Plus any CRB check he asks for in the future) is likely to include the 'fact' that he was suspected, arrested and investigated on an allegation of a serious sex crime.

  2. Sad. What was almost certain to be a huge earner in any Family Law firm, is now lost.

  3. She looks like a spoilt little brat. A smack in the mouth of reality awaits her then?

  4. A smack in the mouth of reality awaits her then?

    Or maybe something nice from Argos?

  5. She's nineteen years old, why is she going to a young offender's institution?

  6. Congratulations Julia on turning this story into an anti-police headline.
    MTG and his radar were set off and he came out from under his duvet rubbing his eyes like a tortoise embracing spring.His cronies wont be far behind.

  7. @ WPC Jaded

    I do hope we can provide a lightbulb, post-haste. It's what most readers use to see in the dark. This device often fails to function for the brightest of individuals, such as yourself. However you will not be denied the illuminating experience if the index finger is plunged deeply into the wall socket.

    P.S. A very classy display results from repeating the word 'ello during your enlightenment.

  8. Jaded's egg production is remarkable by virtue of fecundity but the fact that each is hard boiled and stamped prior to laying, is nothing short of miraculous.

  9. Congratulations Julia on turning this story into an anti-police headline.

    If anything, given the context, more of an anti Daily Mail headline, surely?

  10. Send in the clones......or is it one person pretending to be his fan club? They have all swallowed the same dictionary.

  11. She's nineteen years old, why is she going to a young offender's institution?
    - Under 21
    Rights begin at 16yrs, responsibility at 21yrs

  12. Jaded,

    Congratulations, on being a Class A whiner.

    Anon, 20:04

    She didn't make the dizzy heights of WPC, she's a PCSO.

    You know, those Traffic Warden types, with a superiority complex, who stand at the side of rivers and watch children drown, because they're 'not trained' to help people in desperate need.

  13. "...likely to include the 'fact' that he was suspected, arrested and investigated on an allegation of a serious sex crime."

    Just like a certain recent Tory MP, eh?

    "She looks like a spoilt little brat."

    Doesn't she indeed...

    "Or maybe something nice from Argos?"


    "She's nineteen years old, why is she going to a young offender's institution?"

    As Blueknight points out, as she's under 21, she's considered a 'young offender'. Not doubt the Howard League for Penal Reform's goal is to make 21 the new age of criminal responsibility...

  14. "Congratulations Julia on turning this story into an anti-police headline."

    Not so much 'anti police' as 'anti police spokesman'..

  15. Conscience rarely keeps me awake but last night it was the turn of laughter, Jaded.

  16. Dear oh dear.The word "police" in any posting by Julia brings out all the half-wits from under their rocks.Or perhaps it's just one person,writing clever ditties and then answering them himself,patting himself on the back.
    In my experience (I don't speak for the country like MTG) I meet a lot of supportive members of the public.For every piece of chav scum I deal with I meet a lot more decent people.There really is a silent majority in this country.

  17. My Dear Jaded,

    A minor sense of chivalry obliges me to offer assistance in extricating you from the open sided sewer into which you cast yourself. Jokes flying way above your head make a smell exacerbated by flailing arms, all the more unbearable.

    I suggest you clean yourself up and have a think about future contributions. We all have our own agendas but please do try modica of subtlety in the company of commenters found here.

  18. ?????????????.Pompous arse.
