Thursday 23 June 2011

Back So Soon..?

Rather than 'Silly Season', it must be 'False Rape Claim' Season...
The court heard that early on January 8, a 34-year-old taxi driver picked up the girl from a taxi rank in Farnworth after she had been returned by a colleague who suspected she would not pay her fare.

He took the girl to her home in the Bolton area and, when she admitted having no cash, agreed to retain her ring at the taxi base until the next day when the fare could be paid.

The girl returned home and told her mother she had been raped by the taxi driver.
And they never lie about this sort of thing, right, crackpot feminists?
Police were called and an investigation was launched.

The man was arrested and his car seized for forensic examination. CCTV footage from the taxi base was recovered and witness statements taken from the man's colleagues.

He was interviewed several times and spent 12 hours in police custody before being released on bail.

The girl was taken to hospital and had several appointments made for her to see a doctor and councillor at St Mary's specialist centre in Manchester.
Nothing is said in the report about just how they reached the conclusion that nothing had happened, and this was therefore one of those supposedly 'very rare' cases....
The 17-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted perverting the course of justice.

At Bolton Crown Court, she was sentenced to 12 months in a young offenders institution.
Which, I'm sure you'll agree, is ample recompense for utterly shattering a life and endangering a man's livelihood, not to mention the wasted time and effort of the state in pursuing it...

Now, if I were a male cabbie, I'd think very long and hard about the wisdom of picking up lone females, as a result of this. Which might, of course, be a policy that leads to more real rapes, of course, as young females find it harder and harder to get home after an evening out.

Unintended consequences, Harriet Harman? What unintended consequences?

H/T: Curmudgeon via email


  1. And another

  2. Is it that the increased prominence given to the issue of rape in the media encourages more women to "try it on", or that the police are no longer willing to say "now go home and don't be a silly girl" even when there's obviously no case? Or a combination of the two?

  3. My then 14 year son was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, strip searched, paper suited and kept 'in' for almost 24 hours after a KNOWN mulitple 'false rape' claimer claimed he had raped her. Despite the police and the CPS knowing it was all bollocks, and them saying as much, it still took 6 months of bail to sort out.

    And the real kicker? There was nothing we could do legally to her afterwards.

    I console myself that Karma is a bitch and at some point she'll (the false rape claiming cunt) will end up as cosmic road kill.

  4. Curmudgeon, its a combination of chicken likin public walking round looking to distribute their bad on some voodoo pixie and the authorities concerned with self intrest and public perception above serving the public interest.

    Solutions include anonimity for all until and if a guilty verdict is returned, offering services that are only of use to victims of rape as opposed to handing out cash to any bint that makes a claim and punishing thie crime of making a false allegation as it deserves while considering the impact individuals who do this have on men and the wider community. OH yes, some support and compensation to the victims of this crime might help. Trust me I know! ;)

  5. Julia M. If anybody picked you up you would be safe.

  6. No good deed goes unpunished.
    Which is why I've cut right down on them.

  7. Two points:A cctv in the cab would protect most cabbies. While I am dead against the spying scum of the state using cctv at all, I see no prob with men using there own camera to save themselves from false accusations.

    Second: The lying Blue Labour scum promised anon for men until convicted. Lying bastards. And too much rush to arrest by the bluebottles. Just because she says he did whatever does not mean he did. Evidence should be gathered first and then an arrest if the evid justifies it--not lets go around and arrest him first on her say-so alone.

  8. Mr Ecks...

    Haven't there already been cases where groups of blokes have protected themselves from post gangbang guilty women claiming rape because they filmed it on their mobiles

  9. "And another"


    "Or a combination of the two?"

    It's possible it's a combination of the two. Though looking at the sort of people who do this, none of them strike me as avid news readers. Or even readers, full stop...

    "Despite the police and the CPS knowing it was all bollocks, and them saying as much, it still took 6 months of bail to sort out."


    "Julia M. If anybody picked you up you would be safe."

    The fact that the rapes are fictional totally flew over your head, didn't it? Never mind, we can't all be smart.

  10. "Two points:A cctv in the cab would protect most cabbies. While I am dead against the spying scum of the state using cctv at all, I see no prob with men using there own camera to save themselves from false accusations."

    Agreed. And anon is right, I think one of the stories I've commented on here was disproved through just that method.

    I'd go look, but there's so many to trawl through... ;)

  11. What amazes me is that Plod are so mind-bendingly gullible when it comes to accusations of rape. They seem to believe any woman who makes a claim and to be bereft of any semblance of critical faculty. Are they really so dim-witted and is this what we pay them for ?
