Friday 24 June 2011

Facebook Status: Rape Liar

Terri Sproul, 19, stuck to the lie for six weeks as police brought in specialist officers, scoured CCTV footage and conducted a series of interviews.

They spent 147 hours investigating her claim.
It really shouldn't have taken that long, though...
...police soon grew suspicious of the claim when CCTV footage and witness statements failed to tally with Sproul’s account of the evening.
What a shocker! So, how deep did they then dig?
They inspected Sproul’s Facebook page and discovered a message she had sent after the night.

The message read: “Oi Oi sexy how are you? Listen if the police phone you I got out of the taxi on my own. Don’t say you came to mine.”
...when they asked her why she had lied she said simply because she wanted to seek help.
Sproul pleaded guilty to wasting police time by making a false report and was sentenced at Coventry magistrates court yesterday.
Eh..? Why this charge, when the last one was done for perverting the course of justice?

Naturally, her (no doubt legal aid) solicitor had the usual excuses to hand, with one new wrinkle:
Stefan Hunka, defending, said the reason for his client’s behaviour was the breakdown of her relationship with her parents and a £300 a day drug habit.

“It’s extremely fortunate for her that we don’t have a human victim in this case,” he said.
Note that: it's fortunate for her...

But no custodial, so clearly he was worth his hire:
Sentencing her to 16 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months and 200 hours unpaid work, chairman of the magistrates bench Steve Old admitted they had been “swayed” by Mr Hunka’s defence.
And so it goes on and on and on...

H/T: staybryte in comments


  1. These stories seem to be coming in on a daily basis now...

  2. I don't see many posts from that chap who used to post saying these cases are very rare any more...................

  3. "Wasting Police Time" - because she did.(Quite a lot of 'time' - to ensure they wouldn't later be accused of 'not taking this poor girl's terrible experience seriously')

    Not "Perverting the Course of Justice" - because she didn't (not sufficient 'evidence' for anyone to be falsely arrested or charged as a result of her lies)

    [If someone HAD been, that FB message might have bumped it up to 'Conspiracy &c'?]

  4. I wonder what career she is in that pays for a £300 a day drug habit....?

  5. how about making at least one statement in an attempt to pervert the course of justice or while a charge of attempted murder exists could we not see charges of attempting to bring about a malicious prosecution by way of making a false statement.

    This parasite’s mitigation only a ‘grown up’ version of an excuse heard recently in court when a child was asked why she made it up having apparently had ‘consensual’ sex with two young boys charged and found guilty of her rape, (yes I know, children can’t legally consent) but I don’t think the law is ever going to stop children playing I’ll show you mine if you show me yours, anywho the mitigation then was ‘cus I wanted some sweets’

    It appears to me at least that anything and everything will be done to bury these cases, not prosecute where they are discovered and when forced to prosecute find the most innocuous charge and random mitigation in order to pander to current belief that this doesn't happen and/or is a victimless crime. Oh I'm sorry Julia, yes we often hear how much it pains the police and victims of rape don't we, FFS.

  6. The sentence should be equivalent to that received by an actual rapist.

  7. Viking, bieng falsely accused of rape and haing been through a court process to estblish my innocnece I understand your assertion of an eye for an eye but, What I needed and want is to see my false accuser punished consumately while prevented from doing this again and offered some treatment in order to reduce the risk of reoffending. In respect of punishment I find it easy to say lock her up forever but think that a bang to rights rapist deserves longer than a false accuser. The biggest problem for me is not in fact my false accuser it is somethimes me desperately trying to convince myself that the world is not full of synical selfserving twats and others who for their own reasons want to make me a rapist in the face of evidence proving my innocence. Trust me their are many others than the feminazi that seem to think all men are bad bad rapists and women shit roses.

  8. "These stories seem to be coming in on a daily basis now..."

    It does seem that way. Maybe they're like buses?

    "I don't see many posts from that chap who used to post saying these cases are very rare any more...."

    JohnB..? He's still around, on Twitter more than his blog, though.

    " ensure they wouldn't later be accused of 'not taking this poor girl's terrible experience seriously'"

    To hell with the impact on the man and his family, then?

    "I wonder what career she is in that pays for a £300 a day drug habit....?"

    Interestingly, no mention of that was made. Usually the description is 'student' or 'single mother' or even 'unemployed'...

  9. "...could we not see charges of attempting to bring about a malicious prosecution by way of making a false statement."

    I like that one! Much better than the insipid 'wasting police time'.

    "What I needed and want is to see my false accuser punished consumately while prevented from doing this again and offered some treatment in order to reduce the risk of reoffending."

    Understandable, but I think we don't help by assuming these women are 'mad'.

    Quite simply, they are often just 'bad' and there's no psychiatrist in the world who could solve that with therapy.

  10. Julia, you assumed medical treatment! Having her official records updated with records to suggest she is a danger to children, painting rapist on her front door, burning her home to the ground, snapping both knees slowly and in a way that they will never heal so she can crawl through life thinking WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME would be an eye for an eye! the only difference is she would have desreved worse and I am only guilty of bieng too trusting

  11. but you were right, medical treatment and again right it wouldn’t work on most of the low life bints we've read about. Juxtaposition init, I want revenge and that makes me more likely to be guilty in the eyes of onlookers, 'her wants to tear her limb from limb' maybe he is a rapist, the alternative being more Christian than Christ himself.

    Strange that a lie, and we all lie, but this lie has the potential to do so much damage to not only the victim of these crimes but the public, the justice system, affect the working of the authorities and not forgetting the effect on rape victims. Not that I don't have sympathy but they seem to find anything and everything a problem but then I empathise in that completely unrelated things in my life often pose problems, eg, a woman, who i chat with in the offy, she is one of those smiley chatty types, said the other day after listening I was going for a weekend of air soft, 'sounds like you'll be killing, raping and pillaging' a throw away comment I know, the link being her understanding of the concept of war not my history which is as far as i know unknown to her.

    In conclusion I have identified I make it all about me where I would not have, am oversensitive to keywords, have difficulty in trusting people, fear being the confident, productive and gregarious person I was :(

  12. She got the vagina discount (you will NEVER hear about the vagina discount in any women's studies or gender studies classes since they never report when women have superior rights or are treated favorably by society; they only report when women get lesser treatment).
    Whenevrer women commit a crime, they are almost always given a shorter sentence for their crimes (feminists who are not in favor of equality of the sexes will always keep their mouths shut about all the advantages of vagina ownership).
    The way to show men how serious rape is is to make sure fake rape claims are punished.
    "Violence Against Women" is the rallying cry of scoundrels who seek to condone, overlook, or otherwise encourage women's violence against elders, children, disabled peopel, animals, and men (not that you should be concerned about men).
