Friday 10 June 2011

The First Case Of Turkeys Cheering Christmas..?

Health bosses have been praised for their decision to plough ahead with controversial plans to fluoridate Hampshire tap water.

Members of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) enthusiastically backed South Central Strategic Health Authority’s move to work towards adding fluoride to the water supplies delivered to nearly 200,000 people.
But won’t that mean…?
The organisation says it believes the scheme will reduce child tooth decay by up to half
Hmmmm. Maybe I’m wrong, but logically, shouldn’t they be bewailing this instead? Isn’t it going to lead to a lack of demand for their services?

Still, if the people want it, then…

Members unanimously passed a motion at a conference in Sheffield offering their support for the SHA, which has begun work to move towards implementing fluoridation for Southampton, Eastleigh, Totton, Netley and Rownhams.

The project had been on hold until a High Court judge earlier this year rejected a judicial review bought by Southampton mum Gerri Milner, who argued the SHA should have listened to public opinion before approving it.
Listen to what? Where does she think she lives…?


  1. A decision such as this should have been put to a legally binding local referendum. It really should be that simple.

  2. I buy bottled water. Fluoride is nasty inflammatory stuff. Pointless if you brush your teeth too.

    Once again the majority are harmed to protect a feckless minority.

  3. All right it causes birth defects, reduces the IQ of children and causes bone cancer.

    But we are just cattle to them, to be bred, foddered, dosed, worked and slaughtered as they see fit.

    Plenty of spare proles in the Euro-Med Union to replace us.

  4. Public opinion?


    Does she think she lives in a democracy or something?

  5. I thought fluoride was a done and dusted. Ideas that evil poor brush teeth!

  6. Forced medication of the population? Soma anyone?

  7. Doesn't fluoride form part of the active ingredient in Prozac? And isn't the fluoride they add to drinking water sourced from industrial waste such as the manufacture of fertiliser?

    If the water companies insist on mass medicating us without public consultation do we have legal recourse to tell them to stick their water bills up their arses?

  8. Lynne I was wondering the same thing...

  9. "A decision such as this should have been put to a legally binding local referendum. It really should be that simple."

    Yes. It really should.

    "Once again the majority are harmed to protect a feckless minority."

    Ain't it always the way?

    "Forced medication of the population? Soma anyone?"

    They're getting to that (though I think Soylent Green might win the race first!).

    "If the water companies insist on mass medicating us without public consultation do we have legal recourse to tell them to stick their water bills up their arses?"

    Good point!
