Saturday 25 June 2011

Hey, Flytipping Is Suddenly Legal!

Well, only for a certain demographic:
Travellers have left residents fuming after allegedly dumping rubbish when they vacated an illegal camp in Colchester.
Ooooh, flytipping’s bad, right?
Police were alerted, but say no crimes were committed.
Martin Goss, borough and parish councillor for Mile End, said: “These people clearly have zero common sense or brains when it comes to ingratiating themselves in society.

“Pitching up and tethering a horse to the middle of a roundabout near the new busy A12 is a decision taken by someone who has limited intelligence.

Starting a fire next to a field is also pretty stupid and again shows a complete lack of respect for fellow residents.”
Who’s surprised?
Dev Dhal, of Cater Walk, Colchester, said: “It is ridiculous – they just come along, leave a mess and push off.

“We work to pay our taxes.
And they’re very grateful you do, Mr Dhal. Otherwise they’d have to work for a living…


  1. "And they’re very grateful you do, Mr Dhal. Otherwise they’d have to work for a living… "

    Cruel, Julia. Please note travellers work very hard in Huddersfield. They are often obliged to forego the luxury of good work practices, normal hours and safety platforms.

    Tremendous difficulties arise during the retrieval of sheet lead from church steeples or during nocturnal conductivity tests carried out at our substations.

  2. Hmm ... they really are of limited intelligence if they go looking for lead on the steeples ...

  3. Yes, in my third world hole of a town the council prosecutes for leaving bins on the street, charges for low level trade waste and generally makes life difficult whilst all the while hiding 'neath the green umbrella.
    However........for these Continually Uprooting Nomadic Travelling Stock, they just scamper along afterwards and provide a personalised service for free.

  4. @ Edgar.

    The travelling community have long worshipped at Yorkshire steeples and our native species can differentiate between cheap fibreglass and lead-coated copper sheets, using olfactory sense alone.

  5. I f*cking hate pikeys! let us have some more good news stories about them, like when they nearly electrocute themselves to death stealing cable. I like those gyppo stories!

  6. No crime has been committed, eh? Tell that to a granny who drops a cigarette end in the town centre.

    Presumably they raked through the rubbish and found no butts. So it's all okay.

  7. Section 34 of the Environment Protection Act 1990 and Section 161a of the Highways Act 1980 ought to have kept the Police busy with the bonfire before they even started on the fly-tipping (ss. 33, 34, 59 EPA 1990). The pony ought to have been detained under s.7 Animals Act 1971. Been there, done it all managing land. But RRA and HRA always stop the Police from "taking the law into their own hands."

  8. One wonders what crime figures would be if cops couldn't make these decisions to write off situations like this.
    Interesting to wonder why thew BCS doesn't find them either.

  9. Fly tipping is criminal offence.
    Arson is a criminal offence.

    So how does anyone get to make the observation that no crimes were committed?


  10. "No crime has been committed, eh? Tell that to a granny who drops a cigarette end in the town centre."

    Easy prey.

    "... RRA and HRA always stop the Police from "taking the law into their own hands.""

    Oh, indeed.

    "So how does anyone get to make the observation that no crimes were committed?"

    It appears, these days, you first look at the person making the complaint, then the person committing the crime, and go from there...


    Pikeys into SLAVERY?

  12. XX Police were alerted, but say no crimes were committed. XX

    Interesting "case law" there for some fresh out of uni solicitor, hoping to make his name.

    And the "code word"?


    Hmmm. SOMEONE at "Blogger" has a sense of humour.
