Sunday 12 June 2011

It Really, Really Would Take A Heart Of Stone....

...not to feel a tiny, tiny shred of satisfaction at the dawning realisation that seems to be finally sinking in:
Henry said: ‘No one could understand why it got as far as it got. We thought, the injury’s so insignificant – what’s the public interest?

‘When Mum swore, she was muttering under her breath – it was despair. At that moment, she believed everything she had done for her country, for her family, had been wasted after 36 years of working in the legal system.’
I'll reserve my thoughts on how wise I consider it to be to have your family attempt to act as a shield, and in the 'Daily Mail' no less.

But it seems as though the awful realisation that the tool you hold in your hand can be turned against you is starting to become apparent.


  1. " and in the 'Daily Mail' no less."

    What a shame that the Daily Xenophobe doesn't feel able to 'accept comments for legal reasons'.

    I'd love to hear the 'howls' (yeah ok, it's a weak pun) from the HARDWORKING B R I T I S H Dog Lovers!

  2. Sorry, internet rules require that I read that last line as "Hardw**king British Dogging Lovers".

    But, yeah, with the judge and Sylvia Brown, today looks to be a good day for people to get ironically bitten on the arse. Maybe if a Met commissioner gets roughed-up in Tower Hamlets we can get the full set.

  3. Captain Haddock12 June 2011 at 17:51

    Wonderful to see the "biters" (in both cases) get "bit" ...

    I'd agree with TKOW .. except I'd add an MP, an MP's wife or an MP's kid to the list ..

    Then maybe, just maybe, we might see a change in current attitudes ..

  4. Would there have been such concern if it had been a Police Officers dog?
    Thought not.

  5. I love the bit in the Wail 'particularly in a shared garden'. Ms Bolton clearly has no need of anything that barks! I wouldn't let mu muppet Lab into a shared garden without supervision. And he gets mauled by the cats. ACO

  6. Just call me Stoneheart because I laughed like a drain at that story.

  7. What a lovely picture of the distraught kiddies.

  8. "...with the judge and Sylvia Brown, today looks to be a good day for people to get ironically bitten on the arse."


    " Ms Bolton clearly has no need of anything that barks! I wouldn't let mu muppet Lab into a shared garden without supervision. And he gets mauled by the cats."

    Yup, it's all down to personal responsibility again. So many people lack it these days. The influence of the permissive Sixties?

    "Just call me Stoneheart because I laughed like a drain at that story."

    Me too! Now, if only Vera Baird would contract toxoplasmosis...

    "What a lovely picture of the distraught kiddies."

    Yes, they're just that touch too old for the 'don't pick on mummy!' story..

  9. Would there have been such concern if it had been a Police Officers dog?

    Of course. This country is full of dog lovers.
