Thursday 23 June 2011

Just Reinforcing The Stereotype Of Bingo Enthusiasts...

A bingo caller refused to stop a game despite a woman collapsing with a suspected heart attack, according to witnesses.

Staff continued to call numbers as an ambulance was called to Gala Bingo in Freshfield Road, Brighton.

Players shouted for the caller to end the game as the woman was being treated but said they were told it was “policy” to carry on.
The other players would probably have lynched them otherwise...
Aaron Casey, 22, was playing with his mother Joanne Wheeler, 43, on Wednesday at about 7.30pm when the woman collapsed during the second game.

The hairdresser said: “A customer shouted help but we thought she shouted house.”


  1. It is typical of a whole industry in disgrace; run by unscrupulous men with no control over their balls, screwing old ladies 24/7.

    Something must be done for these poor souls immediately. Please give generously.

    The Tadalfil and Cash Appeal for Veteran Bingo Callers.

  2. "The show must go on"

    "It's how she would have wanted to go"


  3. I hope somebody continued with their card for them. It would be terrible to get a full house and then not be able to claim it because of having been stretchered out. They would worry less if they knew someone had played on their behalf.

  4. True tale of northern folk.

    Many years ago a relative of mine was manager of a small bingo hall in a small town. During a particularly frantic bingo session one afternoon a woman, whose husband had been badly disabled after an accident down the pit, decided to go to the loo alone rather than wait for his wife to finish that card.

    As he struggled up the sloping floor of the aisle (it was an old cinema) he couldn't cope and having stopped, slowly keeled over.

    "Hey missus," shouted one woman nearby. "Your husband's fallen over."

    "Oh he'll be alright until the end of this card," shouted back the man's wife.

  5. It's not just 'bingo players' - a friend of mine was on "First Aid Duty" at a local theatre (Classical stage play) when a member of the audience collapsed in their seat at the front of the Circle.

    Other people objected to the disturbance caused by them doing resus. Usher told SM, and he stopped the show & put up the house lights 'Nothing to see now!'

  6. Ancient+Tattered Airman23 June 2011 at 19:52

    Do you mean to say that there is no Marquis of Queenbury's rules for the noble game of bingo?
    How sad.

  7. It is odd how people respond to 'collapses' - it is often as if it was a religious happening and they wanted a minutes silence etc.

  8. ""Oh he'll be alright until the end of this card," shouted back the man's wife."

