Tuesday 21 June 2011

Like A Breath Of Fresh Air!

The Judges Council said that, for some types of appeal, a staggering 85 per cent of cases did not have any ‘merit’.

They have either been ‘dreamt up’ by lawyers seeking to line their own pockets, or are a blatant last-ditch attempt to stop deportations taking place.
Good grief! Has someone crept into the chambers and administered a truth serum?

What with this, and the U-turn on automatic discounts for pleading guilty, I think (hope!) Ken Clarke's days are numbered...


  1. Why didn't Ken think "Double sentences for those who plead not guilty?"

  2. One day someone will answer the question why we thought it necessary to let so many hundreds of thousands of economic migrants pour into this country, and at the same time didn't provide the means to monitor the flow or impose proper checks on length of stay.

    Hmmm... was it because the politicians are so brainless they didn't know what might happen?

    I do understand that where a lot of these people come from that life is pretty shitty, but perhaps if they stayed put and made it better for themselves and their kind we and they would all benefit more.

  3. "I think (hope!) Ken Clarke's days are numbered..."

    Can't help feeling "on earth" should have been in there somewhere.

  4. "Why didn't Ken think "Double sentences for those who plead not guilty?""

    Why the need to tie harsher or more lenient sentences to the plea at all?

    It's for the state to make their case if they can, not look for incentives to ensure they can do less work, or to further punish those they believe shouldn't have caused them work...

    "Hmmm... was it because the politicians are so brainless they didn't know what might happen?"

    No, it's because they knew the consequences would never touch them personally.
