Friday 17 June 2011

Oh, Hey, Wait A Minute! Not Me!

My, those chickens are coming to roost pretty fast now. And in numbers:
A black councillor is facing allegations of racial discrimination and aggression over comments he allegedly made about white people.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Lewisham Council’s standards hearing sub-committee will meet on June 16 to discuss the complaint against News Cross Councillor Stephen Padmore.

He is alleged to have broken the council’s code of conduct at a New Cross Assembly meeting he chaired last October.

During a discussion over whether crime should be a priority issue for the assembly, Cllr Padmore is accused of saying he was dismayed that white people had voted against the proposals.

He is then accused of acting in an aggressive manner.
Who expected him to ever fall foul of this legislation?
The sub-committee report concludes the councillor did not breach equality rules but did fail to treat others with respect.
Pretty sure you could get a lot of councillors on that charge, whether black, white or purple-spotted…


  1. Poor old Lewisham! Duwayne Brooks is also a (Lib Dem) councillor there. A mini-Baltimore, like so many London Boro's, divided along racial lines and continually obsessed with race and the belief that mistakes/attitudes of the past confer automatic entitlement and perpetuate 'victim status'. People like Padmore would simply HATE people to get along and perpetuate all of this for their own individual benefit! Time to get the 28lb bag of oven McCains off some shoulders!

  2. Would that be the Duwayne Brooks who said "Who called you fucking cunts anyway, pigs......I only called the fucking ambulance".

    Of course the occasion was......

  3. Would those equality rules boil down to "only whites can be racist"?

  4. Google Duwayne brooks and it is specifically mentioned in pretty much every result that he was a friend of Stephen Lawrence.

    Which goes some way to explain why everyone else is definitely racist and he couldn't possibly ever be.

  5. "Poor old Lewisham! Duwayne Brooks is also a (Lib Dem) councillor there."

    Oh yes! I'd for gotten about him...

    "Would that be the Duwayne Brooks who said "Who called you fucking cunts anyway, pigs......I only called the fucking ambulance"."

    That new trial is going to be something to watch, isn't it? I wonder what the public feeling will be this time around?

    Also, what will the MSM print of the court exchanges?

    "Would those equality rules boil down to "only whites can be racist"?"

    That seems about right.
