Wednesday 29 June 2011

Post Of The Month this one from Dick Puddlecote on the increasing incoherence and desperation of the anti-smoking brigade.


  1. Seconded - they don't like public debate taking them out of their comfort zone, do they?

  2. You forgot to mention comment of the month too, from the legendary Leg-iron

    "You don't like me, Martin, and you never will, even though you've never met me and probably never will. Just because I like something you don't like. If you listen very carefully, you might be able to hear the sound of me not giving a damn."

    Thanks for making me read it all over again!!!!

  3. Julia, have you read the Fail piece about a Stony Stratford parish councillor wanting to make the roads and any open place a smoke free zone?

  4. "...they don't like public debate taking them out of their comfort zone, do they?"

    No, indeed. It's why they loathe the internet.

    "Thanks for making me read it all over again!"

    You're welcome :)

    "Julia, have you read the Fail piece about a Stony Stratford parish councillor wanting to make the roads and any open place a smoke free zone?"

    Oh, yes, that one went round Twitter yesterday like a virus! I think there's a post coming up on 'Orphans' about it.
