Tuesday 28 June 2011

Sooooo, About Those 'Lessons You Planned To Learn'...

...didn't take so well, I guess?
Two police dogs - one of them just a puppy - have died after being left in a locked car with the windows shut as temperatures soared yesterday.

An inquiry has been launched by Scotland Yard after the two animals were found inside a private vehicle belonging to a Met police officer.
Let's see, hot day, two dogs, private vehicle, idiot police officer...

Check, check and check! All we need now is for this one to have learned the lessons that claiming depression and OCD will get you a six month conditional discharge and it won't have been in vain after all!

Well, except for the poor bloody dogs, of course...

Update: Since drafting this post, a further report from the 'Mail' just puts the bloody tin hat on it:
It is the second time he has been responsible for the death of a dog left in a vehicle.

He was disciplined over the loss of a spaniel at the Metropolitan Police's prestigious dog training centre in July 2004 – but went on to be promoted.
Sack him (when he recovers from his tactical 'suicide attempt'), and sack the men responsible for failing to sack him the first time...


  1. Oh, I can hardly wait for the pay-off after his free defence team unfurl the victim flag.

    "But our client is no more stupid, cruel and incompetent than any of his colleagues...."

  2. A 'tactical' suicide attempt?

    Yes, the copper's actions were ridiculous and ended in tragedy, but really?

    What a disgraceful thing to post.

  3. @ Anon 09:24

    No the copper's actions weren't 'ridiculous' they were criminally negligent and inexcusable.

    I haven't read the article yet...and seeing as its in the Daily Fail I use the word 'read' loosely but of course the officer will claim depression and ocd, supported by a 'cry for help', it's about the only defence open to him.

  4. Have now 'read' the 'report' in the Daily Xehophobe And Diana Weekly.

    Anon, you cannot tell me that an experienced police officer, especially a dog handler who has to be 'half vet' to boot, doesn't know how and where to cut arteries as to make 'saving in time' impossible.

    If he'd slashed his carotid then he'd have been as good as dead before the knife dropped out of his hand.

    Of course it was a fake or tactical attempt.

  5. So according to the DM, he was promoted at some point after he killed the first dog. Can someone tell me which club he belongs to? It must be quite a powerful one; maybe if they let me join I too could benefit from it!

  6. Hey Sgt Craven,do us all a favour and remember in future that it's "down the tracks and not across the road" that counts.

  7. @ sbc as was

    You have no clue what the copper will claim, nor what was going through his mind immediately after the incident. You also have no clue about the extent of the injuries, nor how quickly he was found after the suicide attempt.

    In other words, you weren't there, know nothing, and are just as arrogant in your assumptions as the owner of this blog and have more in common with the Daily Hate Mail readers you pretend to despise.

  8. ", nor what was going through his mind immediately after the incident."

    Unfortunately not a bullet from his service revolver it seems.

    There was a time when a Officer, even a Police Officer, would have retired to the bedroom and done the decent thing.

  9. "Unfortunately not a bullet from his service revolver it seems."

    And there was me, thinking this blog attracted the more rational, reasoned type.

    I should have realised my error when I saw Melvin Gray at the top of this thread. It's just another tin foil hat parade here after all. Sigh.

  10. "It's just another tin foil hat parade here after all. Sigh."

    Yep, don't let the door hit your dumb ,clad-in-ethnic-skirt, guardian reading arse on the way out, dear.

  11. "Tactical" suicide?
    I'd always enjoyed reading your comments, but that is insensitive in the extreme Julia. If it was a cry for help it should be acknowledged as such. This man faces public revulsion, loss of career/pension, and prosecution. Some compassion would be far nobler than taking the easy option of condemnation.

  12. @ (cough) Anon 09:24

    "A 'tactical' suicide attempt? What a disgraceful thing to post."

    Julia's comment was fair and true. Were there an award for disgraceful comments, your (cough) police blog colleagues have an unrivalled claim to it.

  13. In short ... "self inflicted scratch" ..

  14. @ sbc as was

    'Yep, don't let the door hit your dumb ,clad-in-ethnic-skirt, guardian reading arse on the way out, dear.'

    Just because someone disagrees with you, you dismiss them as a dumb Guardian (spit) reader and thereby prove my point: you're as rabid and psychotic as the worst Daily Mail commentator, and it's laughable how you can't even see that.

    @ MTG - I'm not plod, thanks, but then I'll dismiss your remarks for the lunatic ravings that they usually are anyway.

    Fondest to all!

  15. Anti-police postings?;Check
    Half-reported story and facts not fully out yet?Check
    Snidy digs from his little gang of losers?Check
    MTG-come on down.....
    I'm not defending the Sergeants actions before you start.It was completely stupid.If some chav with fang the pit-bull had done this he would be posturing outside court with his brain-dead mates laughing as he has nothing to lose.This officer will probably be sacked and lose his pension.The dog handlers I know love their dogs as much as their families,but the chav will just go and buy another one without a backward glance.
    (Awaiting incoming hilarious word-play)

  16. Let's look at what we know, shall we?

    He's done it before, and it's been excused. A slap on the wrist.

    Now, he's done it again, and does he drive at 100mph off a cliff? Step in front of a train? Jump off a tall building?

    No. He goes somewhere he's easily found, and chooses a method that evidently doesn't lead to instant death. So, either it wasn't a serious attempt, or he's doubly incompetent!

    I have no sympathy for him. None. Think me hard if you must, but if I wouldn't have sympathy for anyone else in that situation, why should I have it for him? Because he's a police officer? We should have better than him serving, we deserve it. His colleagues deserve it too...

  17. Oh, and Mark, to paraphrase Buffy The Vampire Slayer, 'A cry for help is when you shout 'help' in a loud voice'...

  18. " you're as rabid and psychotic as the worst Daily Mail commentator, and it's laughable how you can't even see that"

    Actually I am fully aware of the inherent dichotomy and the "over the madness horizon and accelerating hard" ness of some of the things I post and that I'm slightly to the nut job right of David Koresh....ask anyone here.

  19. Jaded, I'm sure most dog-handlers do indeed love their dogs as much as their family, but you can't get round the fact that he's done it before!

  20. "It was completely stupid."

    No Jaded, it really was a lot more than that...even with your bias you must see that.

    'Stupid' would be leaving the keys in the car. Leaving the dog is callous at best and criminal at worst.

    and I don't even like dogs.

  21. Yes I am biased but I did write "i'm not defending the Sergeants actions".
    My point was that any anti-police stories brings out the usual crowd.
    SBC-callous would mean he did it on purpose which I don't believe he did for a second.

  22. Jaded, I don't think this IS an anti-police story even (and I'd be the first 'anti' shouting if it were).

    And I have to agree with you that his life will now became the living hell that only the British reserve for animal abusers (it's socially more acceptable to be a serial killer) but this is the 2nd time he's done it and so it would seem there was intent.

    No dog handler would be that 'stupid' as you call it. A dog handler IME puts his animal's welfare above his own.

  23. Breaking News:

    Reuters sadly disclose Sergeant Craven ordering lunchtime sarnies from the Meal Machine Cafe.

  24. Actually I thought Reuters reported yet another 'tactical suicide' attempt?

    "Sergeant Ian Craven, 49, flung himself from the car and was then declared a missing person, it has been reported.

    The officer was found in Newham, east London, with hand injuries, police said."

  25. The dog handlers I know love their dogs as much as their families

    Anybody capable of loving their dog as much as their family should be encouraged not to have a family.

  26. Sgt Craven has announced that should he implement the threat to slash the top off his chin pimple, you will all be sorry. The Federation has responded with a 'Save Ian Craven Appeal', which has raised the following restitution items from plod coffers, for offer to the Met:

    A spaniel called Jack Regan.
    I pair of siamese Hamsters.
    Two bags of hedgehog roadkill.
    A parrot with head refixed.
    500kgs of pavement quality manure.

    Miscellaneous donations from members of the public have been more generous and include 11,395 direct flights to Dignitas.

  27. "Anybody capable of loving their dog as much as their family should be encouraged not to have a family."


    Worrying if it's 'loving their family' in the Norfolk sense of th eword...

  28. Jaded,


    Because he's Old Bill, (not a 'chav'*), he should be treated differently by the law, even though he's a repeat offender? Yeah, right.

    * Pigalese for anybody who's not a pig, who is obviously therefore a criminal waiting to be caught.

    The man is obviously mentally unstable, not to mention criminally irresponsible. Sack him, scrap his pension, lifetime ban on keeping animals (even pigs).

  29. Reading this it seems that dogs are more important than a human being.

    "A tactical suicide attempt", now if there was ever a comment made on a blog which was made by someone who enjoyed the anonymity of the internet then that was it.

  30. English Viking - "Scrap his pension".

    So, take away the 11% per month he has paid in for 30 years? That's his money, not taxpayers, not local govt but his.

    Can you, as a private individual have your private pension taken away from you if you fall foul of the law?

    No, you can't.

  31. Dog Eater,

    Where do you think the Police's wages come from, the Money Fairy?

    Every last penny that every last copper 'earns' whilst on duty (apart from the drug-money that goes 'missing') is tax-payers money.

    If I was employed as a Dog Handler in the Private Sector, and performed my duties in such a piss-poor fashion that I was responsible for deaths of 3 dogs, I would expect summary dismissal, at the very least, not hand stroking from the Chief Constable.

    Until Public Servant get back to serving the public, instead of themselves and their own greed, stupidity and incompetence, they should be taught the hard way. In the pocket.

    BTW A private sector pension won't pay out final salary earnings at the age of 50. Wonder why?

  32. What a delight it is to watch the broad axe in talented hands, EV.

  33. "Reading this it seems that dogs are more important than a human being."

    Yes, something that the Police often bemoan (ie when they have to beg for information from the public for a Child Abduction but are INUNDATED with calls for a 'horse slashing').

    That aside, even my non-animal soppy-continental-horse meat-and-veal-eating view would demand the Sgt be summarily dismissed and preferably charged/imprisoned....and if loses his pension then tough shit, by his actions he has brought the entire force into disrepute.

  34. Julia - I have NOT read any of the other comments on here, and do not intend to.

    You 'believe in' freedom of speech - so do I.

    I also believe your posting about Sgt Craven making a //tactical 'suicide bid'// was crass, mistaken, hurtful, and unworthy - but it's your blog, and you can post whatever you like.

    And I can stop reading it.

  35. This would be disgraceful behaviour from anyone - the fact that it's a dog handler and he's done it before and been rewarded with promotion just confirms how the police see themselves above the law.

  36. English Viking-you're great love Melvin
    Melvin-you're great love English Viking.
    Nowhere did I put he should be treated differently just because he's a policeman.However he will be treated differently-i.e worse-as he has more to lose that chavy mcchavvy who doesn't care about consequences.
    As for the pension jibe-every public servant is paid by tax-payers money,where else does it come from?Public services don't exist to make a profit.I'm sure in your mind we could manage without any of them until you get sick/robbed or your house catches fire etc etc.

  37. My dear mjolinir,

    This craven idiot will neither be the first nor the last idiot to make sergeant. Neither will he be the first nor last policeman to make news which discredits our police and shames us as a Nation.

    However we could, just for your benefit, pretend none of it ever happened. We could pretend this blog does not exist and follow your example by blinkering our view of news which has already orbited the globe.

    I do hope that by adopting your approach to unpalatable news, we can temporarily bolster your sense of security this evening, dear.

  38. Jaded,

    I have NEVER needed the Police for any reason. Your arguments might have been reasonable 40 years ago, when words like honour, duty and integrity mean something in the Police Force, along with other Public Servants.

    Today those words have been replaced by things like entitlement, pensions rights and stress related sick leave.

    Don't compare a bunch of para-military morons with the Fire Brigade. Although they themselves are on to a right earner, they do at least perform a useful service, on a regular basis, without the use of baton-charges or CS gas.

    Public services don't exist to make a profit? You're funny. What are all the hidden speed cameras, fines for smoking, fines for parking, fines for having a dustbin, etc, etc for, if not to raise cash.

    I think that most people on a really shitty (or none-existent) pension wouldn't mind contributing to Public Servants' pensions so muchif they weren't such an enormous disparity in both the wages of each of the two groups involved, the age of retirement or the value of the pensions.

    You'll see that I have not spoken to MTG on this thread, so pretending that i have is, well, daft really.

  39. Isn't MTG and EV the same person? We should be told....surely there cannot be two people so biased and outrageously wrong in their views?.

    Just to clarify,I am not supporting this Sergeant and I realise that in a huge organisation there will be a percentage (probably small) of corrupt/racist/bullying/incompetent etc officers.What I won't accept is that they are the norm.Just because you got done for speeding once doesn't mean you can call us para-military morons.

  40. Is Ian Tomlinson allowed to call you a moron then?

    Oh pants, he cant, he was battered to death by a pig who had already been dismissed from another force for assaulting innocent members of the public before.

    Tomlinson didn't get 'done' for anything. No ticket, no fine, no court case, no justice.

    Just a death sentence.

    But that's OK though, because he was old, and a drinker, and he looked at him funny, right?

    Julia will (I assume) confirm that I am not MTG, nor he me.

    BTW you never answered me on whether you are one of those butch bull-dyke types that join the Army, Navy, Police etc to try to prove that they are as good as man, when really wanting only the affections of one?

  41. Cretinous and neglectful he may have been (twice), however it was dogs that died. Let's keep a sense of proportion, it's not like the bloke is Sharon Shoesmith or running Winterbourne View care home.

    "Worrying if it's 'loving their family' in the Norfolk sense of the word..."

    Surely 'in the Pakistani sense of the word' ?

  42. Reading this vile trail of hate spouted by so called educated people leads me to suggest that some of you, next time you are allowed out shopping, need to 'get yourself a life'.

  43. Anon @ 20:51

    biased and outrageously wrong in their views?.

    "wrong in their views" = "hold views I do not share" ?

  44. "Actually I thought Reuters reported yet another 'tactical suicide' attempt?"

    Is that 'another' attempt, or the first attempt? Maybe the 'slashed wrists' first reported by the 'Mirror' newspaper was the hand injury sustained from leaping from the car?

    It does beggar belief that the car was travelling so slowly as to leave him uninjured, yet apparently fast enough that the driver was unable to get out and catch him...

    "Reading this it seems that dogs are more important than a human being."

    Depends on the dog, and on the human being in the equation. I rather doubt the dogs are of any less value to the police farce than Craven. In fact, I'd say almost certainly more...

    "You 'believe in' freedom of speech - so do I.

    I also believe your posting about Sgt Craven making a //tactical 'suicide bid'// was crass, mistaken, hurtful, and unworthy - but it's your blog, and you can post whatever you like.

    And I can stop reading it."

    That's your privilege, of course.

    This blog is, after all, free. Not subsidised by the taxpayer regardless of whether you want to read it or not... ;)

    "Julia will (I assume) confirm that I am not MTG, nor he me."

    In my opinion, no - writing, syntax etc are all completely different.

    As a Blogger-based blog, I don't get the IP address info that would confirm it beyond all doubt.

    But hey, maybe we are all just figments of Johann Hari's journalistic imagining anyway... ;)

  45. "Just to clarify,I am not supporting this Sergeant and I realise that in a huge organisation there will be a percentage (probably small) of corrupt/racist/bullying/incompetent etc officers.What I won't accept is that they are the norm."

    No, they aren't the norm, you're right.

    But what is rapidly being revealed as the norm is the way - when they are identified - they are excused and even promoted. That's the scandal of our public services. All of them, it would seem.

    "Reading this vile trail of hate spouted by so called educated people leads me to suggest that some of you, next time you are allowed out shopping, need to 'get yourself a life'."


    ""wrong in their views" = "hold views I do not share" "

    Spot on!

  46. To whom it may concern:

    Jaded is most definitely 'one of those butch bull-dyke types that join the Army, Navy, Police etc to try to prove that....etc'

    The low qualities evident in this dishonest WPC's character are made all the more conspicuous through suspension of her normally foul-mouthed language.

    Perhaps (in light of the Met's language guidance card) Jaded will relinquish her new found coyness and once again demonstrate a vocabulary befitting any rough, East End pub dyke.

  47. I'd like to stick up for Jaded.

    I think it's courageous to plug away with views that by and large run counter to the general groundswell of opinions expressed here.

    There has been rather a lot of nastiness mixed in with the fun on this thread which is a shame. It would be a pity to drive away with unpleasant, personal and entirely fanciful remarks a contributor who adds some leaven to the comments.

  48. Hello everyone i'm back from a hard days work dealing with the underclass so you don't have too.
    Firstly EV,no i'm not as you described.I'm a happily married father of three with quite right wing views and seen as a bit of a rebel on my team.
    Secondly;re Ian Tomlinson.One incident out of thousands that take place every week between police and the public.I don't remember posting anywhere where I support PC Harwood.I have made cynical comments about his character and the motives of his family.No different to Julia M smearing this Sergeant and his suicide attempt. To use that Tomlinson incident to then smear all of us is a silly argument. You wouldn't smear every plumber if one came to your house and messed up.You would assume he was a bad egg and then call another one.
    Anything else I can help you with?

  49. Good Evening, Jaded.

    I do hope you will divert your further issues of tonight's freak grammar from English Viking to myself, if you please.

    Permit me to salute your shift of radiator minding. A well earned rest must begin with unbuckling that heavy (cough) truncheon.

  50. Too clever by far for me Melvin.I have noticed you have moderated your normal bile on this blog.Is this the last one you are allowed to post on and you are trying to behave yourself?
    Radiator minding? I wish.....

  51. I concede that your manipulation of two regular commenters on this site was skillful, Jaded. I am therefore genuinely interested in your continued attempts to influence JuliaM.

    To succeed where the more subtle influences of Gadget have failed, would emphatically alter a situation where I am laughing at her laughing at you.

  52. Jaded,

    You're a bloke?

    'one incident in thousands...'

    Oh, I see, a kill rate of one every few thousand is OK then?

  53. Dear MTG-I clearly have not got the word-play to influence anyone but I like to think I write clearly so it can be understood.
    EV-yes i'm a bloke.And no a kill rate of one in a few thousand doesn't seem to bad.

  54. @ Jaded,

    I am sure that you earnestly believe you are playing a convincing role as a policeman and father of three.

    Gender identity problems feature as much in psychology as the need to carry out various deceptions. Cyberspace provides 'dark glasses' for experimentation in several fantasies.

    Both bachelors and spinsters may allow themselves to become overly sensitive to their status. Sterility or some accompanying medical problem may have a synergistic effect which leads to further gender confusion and imagined progeny. Is there anything else I can help you with?

  55. Yes a thesaurus please.

  56. Quelle horreur that you should open thesauri ahead of the Oxford Illustrated Children's Dictionary.

  57. Jaded,

    my apologies for thinking you a woman.

    One in a million is not acceptable.

  58. No probs EV,it's not an insult to be thought of as the opposite sex on an anonymous blog.
    PS I was joking about the kill rate by the way....
