Tuesday 14 June 2011

Wishful Thinking, 'Metro'?

First the Beeb goes all coy about the story, and now the other MSM just make a few Freudian slips here and there:

Done something dreadful? Well, got to be a Republican, right?

No need to check our facts, surely...


  1. Seems like rehab has replaced patriotism as the last refuge of the rogue.

    How long before we get the "Giggs checks into rehab" stories?

  2. Attempts to denigrate Mister Weiner's lifestyle, and him a minority, shame on you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You might have thought that someone in the MSM would have thought Republican in New York? Let's check that

  5. That birth certificate14 June 2011 at 12:22

    Democrats can do no wrong, apparently. Once you are aware of that fact then stories like this just, er, write themselves.

  6. "How long before we get the "Giggs checks into rehab" stories?"

    I'm rather surprised he hasn't done that already..

    "You might have thought that someone in the MSM would have thought Republican in New York? Let's check that"

    The UK media seems oddly ignorant of US politics.

  7. "The UK media seems oddly ignorant of US politics."

    Oddly? It's not a bug, it's a feature. I'm a freaking software engineer, for God's sake, and I don't even live in the US, and my knowledge of American politics is astronomically greater than that of the average British journalist. Of course that's not saying much. The "average British journalist" is something of a jack-of-all-trades: he seems to be capable of profound, eye-wateringly comprehensive ignorance of every field of human endeavour, including those areas in which he is supposedly a subject-matter expert. And boy, are they horses easily led to water and thirsty as heck. I'm sure the Left-dominated mass media is only too happy to connive in fostering such a gang of ignorant bozos.

    You cannot hope to bribe or twist
    Thank God! The British journalist
    But as he's such a useless fool
    He'll serve as your unwitting tool

    (apologies to Humbert Wolfe)
