Saturday 13 August 2011

Even The ‘Guardian’ Is Letting Their Own Words Condemn Them!

Taking shelter from the driving rain on Lodge Lane in Toxteth, Liverpool, one man involved with the riots that have flared in the city since Monday explained why he had taken to the streets.
Injustice? Racism? Deprivation?
Lighting up a huge joint, he took a drag and said: "These are my boys. I'm not just going to stay at home and miss out on all the fun."
Keep it up, chum, even the ‘Guardian’ reporter wisely makes no comment:
For him, the last two nights have been a chance to "get my own back" on a police force which he detests, accusing them of targeting young people from the area.

"They are bastards. Fuck the police, man. They are not all bad but most of them are.
No one around here has got any liking for the police. Fuck them."
And the reason he hates the police?

Well, they stop him and his feral chums from doing as they please:
"Police patrol these streets every night of the week and we only get to riot every few years," he said. "They can't come here laying down the law like they do all year round. People are rioting because the riot is finally here."
Yes, the police can’t ‘come down here laying down the law’…

Just savour that for a while.
Lodge Lane saw the worse of the violence on Tuesday night. Cars were set alight and there were unconfirmed reports of petrol bombs being thrown. Looters attempted to break into an Asda supermarket and smaller shops were raided, although looting was on a smaller scale than in other cities.

That was a shame, thought one 14-year-old, visiting his older cousin from Manchester. "I wish I was in Manchester," he said. "They did it properly there. Here it was just burning cars but there was no looting or nothing."
Anyone else reading that tempted to shout ‘Anything! Anything, you ill-educated lout!’..?
He described the missiles used to throw at police. "If you are provoked, you hit out," he said. "We were chucking bottles, bricks, trees get snapped, anything we can find."

Asked if he felt guilty that other residents had their cars reduced to cinders, the older man said that, if a resident had come out and said it was their car, the group had moved on to another. "If you leave your car outside when there is a riot going on, it's going to happen, isn't it? Breaking stuff is part of a riot, otherwise, it's just a protest."

He was similarly untouched about looting: "How do I feel about it? Honestly. Nothing. It comes with the rioting. I feel nothing about it."
Who ‘provoked’ this little street vermin?

Well, it seems that in this instance at least, it was what he saw on TV!
Asked why the riots started, the 14-year-old said: "It's the telly. If the men in Manchester hadn't seen London, nothing would have happened but they see them men they can think they can too. It's copycatting.

"When the police change the way they do things then it will die down. Just because the police are out on the streets doesn't mean we are going to quit. It will stop when we win."
Seems to have stopped now. Did you win? Who can tell…
Idriss Majad used to be a legal investigator in Iraq before fleeing violence in the country and seeking asylum in the UK. After receiving permission to remain, he opened a shop last month.
"I came to this country for safety and when I got permission to stay I tried to invest. I borrowed money and I invested everything I had in this shop," he said
This guy came to Liverpool because it was safer than Iraq.

Just savour that for a while.
A few doors down, two Kurdish Iraqi brothers could not open their pound store due to damage by looters.
The owner, who did not wanted (sic) to give his name, described arriving at the shop at around midnight after being warned it was being broken into. "When I arrived, there was maybe 20-25 youths, girls and boys, in the shop. I told them it was my shop but they didn't care."

When he protested, one looter pulled out a huge knife and racially abused him. "I was scared for my life," he said.
Is he going back to Iraq? Well, no. But he’s getting out of Liverpool!
Despite local support he was planning on closing down his business and starting somewhere else."For Tesco it is not a problem, but for us one penny is too much. We just survive here because it is better than claiming benefit. I came here as a asylum seeker, but now I am British and I am faithful to my country. But now I think maybe we have to leave this city. We are not safe here. We have to find a safe place."
Liverpool: more dangerous than Iraq.

As DumbJon points out, it's a /golfclap for the progressives.


  1. "but now I am British "

    You silly man, you're not British, you're a Liverpudlian. There is a difference.

  2. "Anyone else reading that tempted to shout ‘Anything! Anything, you ill-educated lout!’..? "

    Yes but then again I throw things at the radio whenever someone says 'two times' or 'three times' instead of 'twice' and 'thrice'...

    Or if someone uses decimal notation for an imperial fraction...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 15.4"!

    ...and don't get me started on people who say 'man-DATE-tory'....

    *evaporates in a cloud of self righteous grammatical anger*

  3. This story could have ben a script written by Chris Morris for Brass Eye !

    :Like many things today you don't have to make it up anymore!

  4. Ahhh .. Liverpool .. where most cars are automatically fitted with "rally" type steering wheels ..

    So's the "scallies" can still drive, whilst wearing handcuffs ..

  5. I live on the south coast of this blighted isle. In a town not too far away I learned of one particular response by local shop-keepers to the first night of 'trouble' in London. They had contacted a number of local farmers who, on the second and subsequent nights of 'trouble' stood guard over a number of streets where the shops were located. It was feared that the local ferals would attempt to imitate their colleagues in the Smoke.
    The younger members of the farmers' families let it be known , via the interwebs, that their Dads had taken their shotguns with them. Although not one firearm was ever seen on the streets, there was not one incident on the streets of this town (city?).
    I wonder why?

  6. "Excellent, madam. Linked."

    Cheers! :)

    "Yes but then again I throw things at the radio whenever someone says 'two times' or 'three times' instead of 'twice' and 'thrice'..."

    Oooh, me too! And 'sec-e-tary'.

    "Like many things today you don't have to make it up anymore!"

    Sadly not.

    "...there was not one incident on the streets of this town (city?).
    I wonder why?"

