Wednesday 17 August 2011

Maybe This Is Why There’s So Little Fear Of The Courts?

Pc Christopher Collins was kneeling down arresting one of a group in Mansel Park, Millbrook, when Stuart Skeats took a running kick and struck in the head.

The city crown court heard Skeats ran off but as he was being detained by Pc Daniel Robinson he “jump-kicked” him, injuring a knee ligament.
So, he’s attacked two policemen. Does he have an excuse?
In interview, the 18-year-old said he was drunk having knocked back two two-litre bottles of cider and 12 bottles of lager and his recollection of what happened was vague.
Really? You don’t think that sort of thing sticks in your mind?
Skeats, of Oakridge Road, Southampton, admitted two charges of causing actual bodily harm.
For that, he got 16 weeks jail. At least, that’s what he was sentenced to, we all know he’ll serve far, far less...

And at least he was sent to jail. Believe it or not, you can partially blind a man whose only 'offence' is to tell you not to abuse your girlfriend and get...nothing. Zip. Nada.

Those riots sure are getting harder and harder to explain, aren’t they?


  1. Believe it or not, you can partially blind a man whose only 'offence' is to tell you not to abuse your girlfriend and get...nothing. Zip. Nada.

    Or bite someones ear off because they jostled you

  2. I always thought that striking an officer was automatic GBH? And how can a running kick to the head only be ABH??! A running head kick has a hella lot of force behind it and is potentially lethal.

    Oh well at least the courts are toughening up, before the riots it would have gone through as 'common assault'.

    Not surprising that our police farce have turned into a bunch of pussified whimps and cowards...if they know that their murderous attacker will only get charged with 'mildly slapping an officer but suffering from a disorder' or some other bollocks.

  3. Booze was me undoing17 August 2011 at 12:09

    The good old alcohol excuse. Always works, doesn't it? You chose to get pissed and you behaved badly, but you can always claim you weren't aware of what happened afterwards.

    One day we will have courts who will say "being drunk is no excuse. In fact, you should get three years for violence (or whatever) but we will tack on an extra six months for you being stupid in the first place by pouring booze down your gullet."

    Of course, the boozers will be up in arms at this. 'I can hold my drink me,' they all moan.

    Yeah, right...

  4. Alcohol is an aggravating factor in my book...not a mitigating factor...a kick to the head is nothing less than attempted murder.
    I'm with the comments on the 2nd story regarding compensation....they should have a future attachment of earnings in place to compensate every time.
    If we need more prisons then build more. Bringing home a couple of hundred soldiers...who are fighting pointless wars in muslim countries while their cowardly men sneak into the UK to bleed our benefits system dry...would easily pay for it.
    They'll be needed to support our police in our own civil war soon enough. If the tories don't start doing what their voters expected and dealing with vicious scum we're going to end up doing it ourselves. It happens already and has the potential to escalate.

  5. Yet the Cheshire Facebook Two get four years. Eh?

  6. "Or bite someones ear off because they jostled you"

    Good grief!

    "I always thought that striking an officer was automatic GBH? "

    Nope, the police forums are full of tales of woe where the useless CPS has dropped assault charges.

    I don't think it's down to the riots, either; this happened before they kicked off!

    "One day we will have courts who will say "being drunk is no excuse. In fact, you should get three years for violence (or whatever) but we will tack on an extra six months for you being stupid in the first place by pouring booze down your gullet.""

    Agreed. It should be seen as an aggravating factor, as tattyfalaar points out, not mitigation.

    "Yet the Cheshire Facebook Two get four years. Eh?"

    Madness, isn't it?
