Monday 22 August 2011

Modern Conservative In Action!

You’d expect a Conservative councillor to get stuck in when he sees the police arresting a miscreant, wouldn’t you?
A Hampshire councillor who waded in while police were trying to arrest a suspect ended up being arrested himself.
Oooh, too enthusiastic? Did he assult the suspect?

Two officers were carrying out a drugs search on a suspect and had him pinned to the ground when they were approached by Councillor Ian Tait, pictured.

Magistrates heard how Tait, a Winchester city councillor, repeatedly questioned what the officers were doing, even protesting the man’s innocence.
Sharon Douglass, prosecuting at Andover Magistrates Court, said the 49-year-old Conservative representative for St Michael ward, had approached PC David Brown and PC Cassandra Hakin, in Winchester High Street, at 1.50am on May 18.

They had arrested a suspect for a breach of bail who was on the floor as police conducted a drug search, the court was told.

She said Tait asked “what are you doing, it’s Monday night? What are you doing? He’s innocent” and came close to PC Hakin, making her feel uncomfortable.

Despite being told to move away by PC Brown he kept saying “what’s he done?” and the officer then had to stop the search to deal with Tait telling him to leave the area, but he then accused the officer of assaulting him and again of victimisation, the court heard.
Truly, these are not your father’s Conservatives!
Tait, who mitigated for himself, said he had been drinking having had four beers and three whiskeys, but did not believe in his mind that he was drunk.
Oh, well, that’s alright then; I presume, in his mind, he also didn’t believe he was being an interfering, argumentative little arse?
“I’m a challenging person, I spend a lot of my time involved in community activities both in constructive intercourse with the police and on other occasions challenging the police,” he said.
Oh. Wrong again. Clearly, he’s all that and more, and he knows it!
The court heard that he had pleaded guilty to the alternative charge immediately and was of previous good character.

Magistrates ordered Tait to pay a fine of £175.

After the case he said he would continue to challenge the conduct of police: “I think in my role as an elected councillor I’m there to challenge what was happening, what the police do, and I felt I was challenging them on that evening.

I will challenge the police in all circumstances.”
Who the hell votes for ‘Conservatives’ like these?


  1. You know the country is in trouble when you find yourself missing John Major.

  2. The only challenge this berk has is of the intellectual kind.

  3. From the comments in the original article, it would seem that this self-important piss-head has a bit of a history for doing this sort of thing ..

    "She said Tait asked “what are you doing, it’s Monday night? What are you doing? He’s innocent” ..

    Despite reading the article a couple of times, I'm still left pondering on what possible relevance the day of the week has to this pissy-arsed twerp's interference ..

    Is there some arcane, hitherto unknown statue in the ancient capital of Wessex, which prevents persons who have breached their bail being arrested on a Monday night ?

  4. XX Who the hell votes for ‘Conservatives’ like these? XX

    We all know the idiot public would vote for a dead chimp, if someone pinned the "correct" rossette to it.

    The question is, "Who the Hel let it into the party?"

    Is it a case of infiltration by the usual idiots from Labour/Greens and other commy scum, in the hope of bringing the Conservatives into disrepute?

    If so, it appears to be working.

  5. @ FT ..

    "Is it a case of infiltration by the usual idiots from Labour/Greens and other commy scum, in the hope of bringing the Conservatives into disrepute?

    If so, it appears to be working" ...

    Why should Labour or the Greens bother their scabby commie arses doing anything to bring the Tories into disrepute .. when Camermong is doing such a fantastic job all by himself ?

    "The question is, "Who the Hell let it into the party?" ..

    Indeed & its a question which the Tories need to answer sooner, rather than later .. if they entertain any realistic hope of remaining in power ..

  6. The man wants to be a lawyer. Apparently if you say "he's innocent" loud enough the perp gets off with a caution.

    Especially on a Monday night. The scale is: Sunday = Saint, Monday and Tuesday = ordinary bloke, unlikely to offend, Wednesday through to Friday = a bit dodgy and likely to have done something wrong once. Saturday = guilty as hell.

    The law is very simple once you know this.

  7. "Who the hell votes for ‘Conservatives’ like these?".

    The same type of people who'd vote for for a wheely bin if they stuck a red rosette on it.

    I believe the term is "Partisan politics". The practice of voting for a political party for no other reason than "My Father voted X, and his Father before him".

  8. "The law is very simple once you know this."

    There is however the additional clause found in the Magna Chavda I believe that 'any freeman who donneth a hoodi innit or doth reveal his undergarments in an unchristian manner' is automatically guilty no matter what night of the week.

    WOAR can correct my understanding of the law if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure its Statute.

  9. ^^^
    Should that read 'which' or 'what' 'night of the week'?

    Thinking in the t-shirt slogan language that is English gives me a headache.

  10. IT's not just minor twits like this arse either...

    Louise Mensch's response to the lively debate spawned by David Starkey's TV appearance called him a "rayyyyyycissssst"

    Fuck me - is the heir to blair handing out the Labour playbook to his MP's?

  11. @ Anon ..

    "Fuck me - is the heir to blair handing out the Labour playbook to his MP's" ?

    Yes, because he has nothing more grown-up to offer ...

    And god forbid he should ever have to face up to the truth !

  12. Ancient + Tattered Airman22 August 2011 at 21:22

    I've got a spiffing wheeze!
    Let us pass a law where anyone foolish enough to join a political party is automatically subjected to a test for mental illness.

  13. Ancient + Tattered Airman said ...

    "I've got a spiffing wheeze!
    Let us pass a law where anyone foolish enough to join a political party is automatically subjected to a test for mental illness" ...

    And anyone wishing to become a full-time, paid, career politician or MP, to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act .. as a danger to the rest of us (not to mention a drain on our collective wallets/purses) ..

  14. "You know the country is in trouble when you find yourself missing John Major."


    "From the comments in the original article, it would seem that this self-important piss-head has a bit of a history for doing this sort of thing .."

    Yup, he does seem the type, doesn't he?

    "If so, it appears to be working."

    In spades!

    "I believe the term is "Partisan politics". "

    God, how I loathe that practice!
