Monday 15 August 2011

No, Of Course It’s Not Enough, It Never Is…

Supermarket Morrisons has apologised after a Muslim family bought a tuna salad which contained ham.
Whoops! Oh, well, a mislabelling error. No need to make a fuss, right? Just throw it away, and no harm done...
The mum-of-two in the family, who did not want to be identified, complained to Morrisons about the mis-labelled food.

She said: "My children and I have never eaten ham before so we didn't know what it looked like.
What, you wander around Morrisons with your eyes shut, then? I guess it doesn't matter what labels they put on the food, eh?

Well, this is nothing if not a public-service blog, so here you are:

Not tuna. I repeat, NOT TUNA...

”But we realised straight away that it was not tuna in the salad and my children were very distraught.”
Oh, here we go...
She also said she was unhappy with the response she received from Morrisons.
She said: "I received a £15 gift voucher as an apology but this is not enough.”
What would satisfy you, Mrs unidentified mum? £25 voucher? £100 voucher? Complete submission to haraam rules and the immediate removal of all pig-derived products?

I mean, it's not like the prospect of eating mislabelled stuff is entitled to worry anyone else, is it?


  1. What's that you say Julia ?

    "Just throw it away, and no Ham done" ...

    If she got Tuna AND Ham, she was getting extras, at no increase in price ..

    What's the silly bitch complaining about (as if we didn't know) ? ..

    Morrison's should have sent her a bill for both & told her to BOGOF .. ;)

  2. "and my children were very distraught.”

    Oh dear. But don't worry, I'm sure with enough compensation, counseling and perhaps a free holiday they'll get over it.

    Although the scars of such a traumatic experience will remain, of course.

  3. "my children were very distraught.”

    And whose fucking fault is that?

    She raised them to have an irrational fear of ham because the great sky pixie says so...

  4. The law is clear, Julia.

    The entire Morrisons Board must have their infidel tongues removed for telling porkies.

  5. "Just throw it away, and no Ham done" ...

    Ouch. the Captain's hamming it up. I expect she'll have been 'cured' of shopping at Morrisons though.

  6. This story was reported in the oh so aptly named 'Nottingham Post'.

    Note to Muslims: The Nottingham Post does NOT contain tuna.

  7. "My children and I have never eaten ham before so we didn't know what it looked like ... But we realised straight away that it was not tuna in the salad and my children were very distraught" ..

    Errr .. HTF can someone be "distraught" at seeing something which they've never seen before ? ..

    By definition, that means they don't know what it is ..

    For all she claims to know, it could have been a pink strip off one of those little square "Bertie Bassett's" Liquorice Allsorts ..

    Lying, grasping cow !

  8. "I expect she'll have been 'cured' of shopping at Morrisons though" ...

    Yep .. It would be somewhat rasher of her to go shopping in that joint again ..

    If she's in hock, she could always "gammon-down" to Aldi ... ;)

  9. "
    Yep .. It would be somewhat rasher of her to go shopping in that joint again .. "

    I think she feels 'a-Salted'.

    Painful puns aside, I used to be friends with an Imam. His comment to this sort of story was:"Shinar, now you now why I bang my head on the floor when I pray".

  10. Playing a bit of devil's advocate here and because I feel like it, how much is down to the journalist putting words into the woman's mouth.

    She probably said that she was upset, but the journalist whipped it up to be she and her family very distraught. Journalists are usually (not all) crap merchants.

    Though someone who goes to a newspaper to tell them that they made a mistake and didn't notice till they had eaten it and then blames it on someone else is someone looking for compensation and effectively blackmailing the supermarket to pay more otherwise they get bad publicity. Though in this case the bad publicity is looking like it might backfire on the woman.

    All I can say is "Stupid dimwitted muslim woman".

  11. Ham must not be sold in countries where Muslim people live, completely agree.

  12. "Though in this case the bad publicity is looking like it might backfire on the woman."

    Not only on the woman herself but all Muslims.

    Every minister of an Abrahamic Faith has the same prayer: "Lord, I can deal with the Goyim/Heretics/Infidels but save me from my flock."

  13. Mother to child: "You have eaten a bit of pig. One of the tasty bits."

    Child: "So?"

    Mother: "So you are very very upset and Allah will hate you and you will go to hell and no one in the RoP will ever talk to you again and all sorts of bad things will happen to you. Oh dear, are you upset now? Dry your tears and we will get money, that will make it easier."

    WV = mungugg = arabic for compensayshun

  14. @ SBML ..

    " .. how much is down to the journalist putting words into the woman's mouth" ?

    I did wonder about that myself ..

    How many people do any of us know, who use the word "distraught" in ordinary, everyday conversation ?

    Let alone someone whose origins lie on the Indian Sub-continent ?

  15. "Ham must not be sold in countries where Muslim people live"

    Why not "Muslim people should not live in countries where ham is sold"?

    When in Rome, etc.......

  16. @ MD ...

    That's it .. you're a genius ..

    Cover the entire floor of every Immigration Hall at every Seaport, every Airport & every Immigration Centre in pigskin ..

    Job jobbed .. ;)

  17. ...and fruit jelly often contains gelatine. Whatever the reason for not wanting to eat meat or specific foodstuffs, the answer is the same. Read the label.

  18. "And whose fucking fault is that?"

    Spot on! What sort of mother worries her children unnecessarily?

    "I think she feels 'a-Salted'."

    You guys crack me up! :)

    "... how much is down to the journalist putting words into the woman's mouth. "

    Possibly quite a bit. But she gladly acquiesced to that.

    "...and fruit jelly often contains gelatine. Whatever the reason for not wanting to eat meat or specific foodstuffs, the answer is the same. Read the label."

    Indeed. But as this was off the deli counter, the label wouldn't have included the errant ham, since it wasn't expected to be in there.
