Saturday 13 August 2011

Turning Up Fashionably Late To The Party?

Travellers and campaigners are planning a protest march to Dale Farm against the planned eviction of the illegal site.
Good planning, chaps! Because…
The demo from Wickford train station to the site, on September 10, could be too late because Basildon Council has revealed it will evict the families any time from midnight on August 31.
According to organisers’ websites, if the eviction begins before the planned demonstration there will be an immediate call for people to rally at the site and a protest camp, called Camp Constant.
And how many can just drop what they are doing and leave for Essex? I mean, won’t they have trouble getting time off their jobs…?

Oh. Right.
Protesters are busy setting up defences in a bid to stave off the bailiffs.

The website adds: “We’ve got loads to do in terms of setting up Camp Constant.

Everything from putting in the compost loos, to site defence building.”
Translation: ‘We’ve watched ‘Lord Of The Rings’, we know how a siege is conducted!’…

I think you’ll find the orcs were a pushover, compared to Essex bailiffs!
Basildon Council’s plan to cut off electricity and water to the site during the clearance could be a death knell for those who rely on electrical medical equipment, according to Grattan Puxon of the Gypsy Council.

He spoke of one man who uses a nebuliser 24 hours a day to allow him to breathe.

“If they switch off electricity as they have stated, it will kill him.”
Haven’t you heard of batteries, Gratton?


  1. I smell a martyrdom coming. Guardian commentators will be ejaculating hourly if that happens.

    Of course, if he died because of power cuts resulting from a lunatic green energy policy, that would be completely acceptable.

  2. "that would be completely acceptable."

    He was probably a smoker, aka 'Untermensch', anyways.

  3. Portable generator ?

    Of course, that would mean downtime for the more lucrative uses thereof.

  4. Yes, and cutting off water will mean they can't wash either.

    Oh, wait... they don't do that anyway.

  5. I'm willing to bet there are plenty of batteries .. attached to plenty of un-taxed & un-insured vehicles ..

  6. So a man who relies on mains electricity to power a nebuliser 24 hours a day regards himself as a traveller??

    Am I missing something here?

  7. "Of course, if he died because of power cuts resulting from a lunatic green energy policy, that would be completely acceptable."

    Quite so.

    "I'm willing to bet there are plenty of batteries .. attached to plenty of un-taxed & un-insured vehicles .."


    "Am I missing something here?"

    No, not really. None of these people travel, unless it's for the equivalent of a holiday.
