Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Baggy Trousers? It’s Madness!

An eye-witness, Cindy Qiu, yesterday told TV news teams that the incident, which took place last Thursday, occurred after the extravagantly-attired performer boarded the flight late. As he walked to his seat, a hostess primly asked him to pull his trousers up.

“Don’t you have better things to do than worry about that?” came Armstrong’s response. Shortly afterwards, he was escorted from the aeroplane.
I admit it, I’ve never heard of this band. I had to Google them. I must be getting old…
The affair raises many questions. Are exposed underpants offensive? If so, do US airlines have the right to subvert free expression by banning them?
If airlines want to impose a dress code, they’re free to do so. It’s hardly ‘the subversion of free expression’, is it?
… the singer isn’t the first celebrity to regret travelling via Southwest, the US equivalent of Easyjet. Last year, the well-lunched film director Kevin Smith was ejected from one of their flights after being told he was too wide to fit into the single seat he’d purchased.


  1. It's a pretty stupid fashion, but shows the absurdity of such decency laws. There were a shedload of people in the 1960s who thought mini skirts were obscene. In fact, they still do, but that's the Feminist Movement for you.

  2. Also see:

  3. Good job it wasn't either Superman or Batman then .. with their underpants on OUTSIDE their trousers .. ;)

    Septics .. you've gotta luv 'em ! ..

  4. I too am hip and happening enough to have heard of Green Day and might even have tapped my walking stick along to one of their ditties.
    Smacks of Ryanair marketing "£1 to go to the toilet and £5 to use oxygen tubes in an emergency".

  5. I think you will find it is to do with safety - some idiot with his trousers round his ankles is not going to be much use in an emergency exit situation.

  6. "Even I have heard of Green Day."

    *hangs head in shame*

    "It's a pretty stupid fashion, but shows the absurdity of such decency laws."


    "I think you will find it is to do with safety - some idiot with his trousers round his ankles is not going to be much use in an emergency exit situation."

    I guess that's why they frown on the Mile High Club too..? ;)

  7. Green Day are pseudo-punk for the masses. They actually think that the American media has brainwashed the public because they are too far to the *Right*. Not much you can do to dent that kind of stupid.


  8. Are they a popular beat combo?

  9. "Green Day are pseudo-punk for the masses. They actually think that the American media has brainwashed the public because they are too far to the *Right*."


    "Are they a popular beat combo?"

    Not with stewardesses! :)
