Thursday 22 September 2011

Clearly, It’s Too Dangerous For Them To Stay Here…

…so send ‘em all home! Well, that’s the inevitable train of logic we must surely follow now:
Teenage asylum seeker Salman Ahmed was jailed for more than five years at Oxford Crown Court yesterday, but his accomplice remains at large.

The 17-year-old, who came to Britain from Iraq in November, took part in the multiple rape of a 23-year-old woman in Church Cowley Road on March 16.
And it was clearly being in our country which drove him to it:
Jeannie Mackie, defending, said her client was previously “without sexual experience” and suffered “an alcoholic blackout” meaning he could not remember the incident at all. He pleaded guilty when DNA evidence linked him to the crime.
Alcohol? But…
She said: “Alcohol has been an issue in my defendant’s life. Although he comes from a Muslim family he had not drunk alcohol until November 2010 when he came to this country, and alcohol has become a problem.”
Well, can’t take any chances, then. Never mind all that rubbish about it being ‘too dangerous’ to send asylum seekers home, it’s clearly also too dangerous for them to stay, right?
Judge King told him it was “extremely likely the Home Office will have you deported as soon as you have completed the custodial part of your sentence”.
Only ‘extremely likely’?


  1. She said: “Alcohol has been an issue in my defendant’s life. Although he comes from a Muslim family he had not drunk alcohol until November 2010 when he came to this country, and alcohol has become a problem.”

    "Well, can’t take any chances, then. Never mind all that rubbish about it being ‘too dangerous’ to send asylum seekers home, it’s clearly also too dangerous for them to stay, right" ?

    I think perhaps you're missing the very subtle laying of the foundations here Julia ..

    "Alcohol has become a problem" ..

    It sounds as if he's probably well on the way to becoming an alcoholic .. which would definitely make it unsafe to return him to an Islamic country .. which means that he'll never be deported ..

    So we gain yet one more asylum-seeking criminal ..

    And the "safety" of foreign criminals is once again given a higher priority than that of the indigenous people ..

  2. Judge King told him it was “extremely likely the Home Office will have you deported"...

    Well, Judge King is wrong.
    We no longer deport people for trivial offences such as rape, we 're much more civilised now:

  3. "I think perhaps you're missing the very subtle laying of the foundations here Julia .."

    Oh, god, it's always worse than I feared, isn't it?

    "We no longer deport people for trivial offences such as rape, we 're much more civilised now..."

    I know :(
