Sunday, 4 September 2011

Don't Want The Police To Come To Your Home?

'At the end of the day, we would have expected some kind of justice because if they didn't go to his home that morning Smiley would still be here,' the younger Emmanuel said.
Don't inhabit the sort of milieu that gets you charged with conspiracy to commit drugs trafficking, then.

But, if you are suspected of conspiracy to commit drugs trafficking, let the lawyers sort it out, eh? A Kitchen Devil to your own ribcage is not really a rational response...

Think of the lawyers! They need to eat!


  1. Any hilarious joke about death in custody is well worth a repeat, JuliaM.

    I thought you might just throw in the one about the Jewish coroner and the most determined case of Arab suicide he had presided over.

  2. I can't say I've heard of Smiley Culture- apart from his death- but his name makes him seem like a happy go lucky sort so I'm sure he wouldn't have been involved in nefarious activity.

  3. I just loved the description in the BBC article - it sounded like something out of Blackadder.

    "Stabbed himself to death while making a cup of tea"

    All it needs is an adverb and it'd drop straight into Dish & Dishonesty...

  4. 'Back in the day' - sorry....officers were instructed to never let an arrested person out of their sight having been arrested at their address so something went wrong on this occasion. EVen if they wanted to go and get dressed or to the toilet - just in case something was dumped, hidden or they tried to injure/kill themselves. I do not think anything has changed except the training for officers and the lack of supervision. Smiley must have been off his head. He was handcuffed because he had armed himself with a knife and was prepared to use it.....albeit on himself but he could have been a danger to others. Shit happens so there could be some proper criticism of the way the officers handles the search and arrest but nothing more, they didn't kill him but it won't be enough for Lee Jasper and the rest of them. They must have answers especially if they disagree with the ones already provided. Bizarre episode. I liked his records, we all did back then and the term 'producer' took over from Horty - Form HO/RT 1. Say NO to drugs kidz!

  5. I hadn't realised that this bloke used to work at the Asda in-store bakery too .. he must have been a busy boy ..

    Lee Japser & his crowd would scream "discrimination" if the sun shone on the opposite side of the street to theirs, sooner than cross the road ..

  6. "Since 1990 there have been a total of 940 deaths in police custody"

    It was 'only' 300 or so last time I looked, maybe that was just in the Met.

  7. "Any hilarious joke about death in custody is well worth a repeat, JuliaM. "

    You have to admit, for a guy so bizarrely monickered (as Ross points out) to off himself with a knife is a little bizarre AND slightly amusing.

    "'Back in the day' - sorry....officers were instructed to never let an arrested person out of their sight having been arrested at their address..."

    I guess that (rather sensible) precaution went out with the 'be respectful and try to give them nothing to feel ashamed about' approach.

    Maybe this will spark a rethink?

    "It was 'only' 300 or so last time I looked, maybe that was just in the Met."

    The problem with that figure is it's bandied about as if it doesn't contain people the worse for wear on drink, drugs, mental illness or all three. And suicides.

    Consequently, the left fondly imagine it relates solely to people who had unfortunate accidents on the cell stairs.
